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The whole vast system was from four miles to seven miles deep, one interlocked and inter-communicating system of trenches, gun emplacements, machine-gun positions, fortified villages, and the rest, running from north-west to south-east across France, behind the German lines.

Excepting the Congo, the really great river comes out to sea with as much mystery as possible; lounging lazily along among its mangrove swamps in a what's-it-matter-when-one-comes-out and where's-the- hurry style, through quantities of channels inter-communicating with each other.

He explained to them that the rooms were all inter-communicating, each having a completely equipped bathroom. "Complete except for cold water, you mean," said Seaton with a smile.

But this new world into which we are passing will, for several generations at least, albeit it will be freely inter-communicating and like a whispering gallery for things outspoken, possess no universal ideals, no universal conventions: there will be the literature of the thought and effort of this sort of people, and the literature, thought, and effort of that.

He believes that the effect is first due to the influence of the male element upon the ovum, which, in consequence of the subsequent close attachment and freely inter-communicating blood-vessels between the modified embryo and the mother, inoculates the condition of the mother with the qualities of the male; and so, on the subsequent impregnation by another male, the offspring resembles the first male and not its real parent.

But, in spite of this, he seemed aware that Mary was in danger, not so much, perhaps, from what might happen to the machine, as what she might do in her terror. "Oh! Oh!" cried the girl, and Tom heard her above the terrific noise of the motor, for she was speaking with her lips close to the tube that served as a sort of inter-communicating telephone for the craft. "Oh, we are falling!

If H'yemba has stolen him it's certain the boy is hidden beyond my present power in some far recess of the inter-communicating rabbit-warren of caves below there in the cliff. "I feel positive no bodily harm will be done the child. H'yemba will hold him for power over me. He will try to exact terms even to leadership in the colony, even to possession of Beatrice.

In all probability you will never be allowed to return to your own system, because as specimens you are too unique to lose. But enough of this idle chatter take them back to their quarters!" And back to their inter-communicating rooms the prisoners were led under heavy guard. True to his word, Nerado made certain that they had no more opportunities to escape.