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In the spring of 1912 the conflict culminated in the abolition of the Croatian constitution by the arbitrary decree of the Hungarian Premier, in the appointment of a reactionary official as dictator, and a few months later in the suspension of the charter of the Serb Orthodox Church. The Balkan Wars. Never in history had a more inopportune moment been chosen for such crying illegalities.

"Not that he does not think it useful and necessary," said the minister, "but he wishes to have war and peace both at once peace because he wishes to make no retrenchments in his pleasures of women, dogs, and buildings, and so war would be very inopportune.

Marvin was a very steady, dependable player on defence, handled punts and ran them back in better style than Carmine and was never erratic. Carmine, however, though weak in catching and likely to fumble at inopportune moments, had the faculty of getting more speed out of the team and inspiring it to greater effort. Both were good generals and each would be called on for what he could best perform.

Talbot tarried here, the Cornet was busy in his preparations. He had brought the Colonel's shallop from Elk River to the Patuxent, and was here concerting a plan to put the little vessel under the command of some ostensible owner who might appear in the character of its master to any over-curious or inopportune questioner.

Of course a form of being that circumstances make impossible or hopelessly laborious had better dive under and cease for the moment to be; but the circumstances that render it inopportune do not render it essentially inferior.

It was the misfortune of Grenville that this "interweaving," as Pownall described it, should have been undertaken at a most inopportune time, when the very conditions which made Englishmen conscious of the burden of empire were giving to Americans a new and highly stimulating sense of power and independence.

"Poor Porthos! pardon me, I implore you!" "So, then," continued Porthos, without replying to the bishop's prayer, "so then, it seems, I have quite fallen out with Louis XIV.?" "Oh! I will settle all that, my good friend, I will settle all that. I will take it on myself alone!" "Aramis!" "No, no, Porthos, I conjure you, let me act. No false generosity! No inopportune devotedness!

Jeff had, no doubt, arranged in his own mind to chloroform the bold Michigan cavalryman, but his wife broke it all up by throwing her arms around him at an inopportune moment, thus pinioning the President of the Confederacy so he could not whip the Union army. And so, like Adam, Jeff lays the whole business to the woman. What would we do without women to lay everything to?

He lifted a dazed countenance above the cockpit as MacRae shoved his craft clear. The fishermen broke the silence with ribald laughter. They knew Kaye's game too. MacRae left Folly Bay later in the afternoon, poorer by many dollars paid for rotten salmon. He wasn't in a particularly genial mood. The Sam Kaye affair had come at an inopportune moment. He didn't care to stand out as a bruiser.

Another of his distinguishing traits was a propensity for grazing which he was prone to indulge at inopportune moments.