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But the juncture was singularly inopportune for the consideration of any peaceful project. The war with the Moors was raging more and more furiously, as they were driven back, contesting every inch of ground, farther and farther from the heart of the kingdom.

The story runs that, many years before, a crusty old bencher had promised the dial-maker to provide a motto for the then new dial. The messenger, however, arrived at an inopportune time, received the above curt dismissal in answer to his request, and conveyed it to his master as the legend to be engraved.

One faithful man, who had followed him through many adventures, rendered him such services as he needed, prepared the food he liked and guarded the house in his absence. The fellow was far too much in awe of his terrible master to play the spy or to ask inopportune questions.

"I had an idea," Lutchester remarked diffidently, "that my arrival seemed either opportune or inopportune I could not quite tell which. Were you in any way troubled or embarrassed by the presence of the little Japanese gentleman?" "Of course not," she replied. "Why, he is Jimmy's valet." "How absurd of me!" Lutchester murmured. "By the bye, if Jimmy is your brother Mr.

It only obeyed a great law of nature in shifting its course as soon as it came within the sphere of that inopportune bolide's influence." "All right!" said Ardan, as usual in the best of humor after Barbican had laid down the law. "I have no doubt it is exactly as you say; and, now that all is settled, suppose we take breakfast.

It was high time to remember that Live-Oaks and Los Portales were not now frontier camps, but young cities. Since Live-Oaks had been good for so short a time it wanted to prove by a shining example how it abhorred the lawlessness of its youth. At this inopportune moment Clanton gave himself up to be tried for the murder of Homer Webb.

The door was half open, and, entering unperceived, she beheld a sight that gave her almost as genuine a start as Kate's inopportune appearance. Yet it was only Lord Bromley sitting by the table, looking pale and shaken, and gazing intently on could she believe her eyes? the miniature of Theodore Leigh. The case was broken. Bluebell had been gumming it, and had left it on the table to dry.

Captain Dunning, resolving, with the true spirit of a brave commander; to reserve that honour to himself, had seen the last man, he thought, out of the ship, and was two-thirds of the distance along the rope on his way to land, when Jim Scroggles, who was always either in or out of the way at the most inopportune moments, came rushing up from below, whither he had gone to secure a favourite brass finger-ring, and scrambled over the side.

Real beings soon annoyed him like the inopportune sounds that sometimes awoke him from beautiful dreams. The garret was a world several centuries old that now belonged entirely to him and adjusted itself to all his fancies. Seated in a trunk without a lid, he made it balance itself, imitating with his mouth the roarings of the tempest.

Your friends will make their appearance at the most inopportune moments, and from the most unexpected places, dangling from hawsers, climbing up paddle-boxes, and crawling through cabin windows at the imminent peril of their lives. You are nervous and crushed by this added weight of responsibility.