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In such cases there occurs a hyperplasia of the skin and subcutaneous tissues, resulting in some instances, in the affected member attaining an enormous size. Sporadic cases of this kind are to be seen occasionally, and are apparently caused by repeated attacks of lymphangitis.

In other animals hyperplasia progresses for a time until the parts become greatly enlarged and conditions apparently attain an immutable state. Nevertheless animals so affected may continue in service for years without being distressed. Lameness is very often due to affections of the feet, and in all foot diseases probably the most constant cause is injury inflicted in some manner.

Chronic laminitis as it occurs following acute attacks which have resulted in structural changes of the foot, present the same symptoms just described and, in addition, the peculiar alterations in structure exist. With hyperplasia of lamina, at the anterior portion of the distal phalanx, there results a thick "white line."

If this influence causes stimulation of both the brain and the thyroid, its excessive action may cause impairment of the brain and also hyperplasia of the thyroid. Finally, the fear of the disease itself becomes a noci-stimulus.

He was given during his disease to boasting and perpetual writing about elaborate real estate schemes and said he owned a $100,000 concern for the purpose. The case was clinically unusual in that the picture of a pseudoleukemia was presented, with demonstration at autopsy of great hyperplasia of retroperitoneal lymph nodes and grossly visible islands of lymphoid hyperplasia in liver and spleen.

Mental disease began after father's death. Constant self condemnation. Suicidal. Exophthalmic goiter. Autopsy: Thyroid glandular hyperplasia. Mitral sclerosis. Aortic sclerosis with ulceration. Chronic endocarditis. Chronic diffuse nephritis. Scars of both apices of lungs, with small abscess of left apex. Emaciation. Brain weight 1050 grams.

In some of these cases, subjects are stumblers and when they are carelessly handled or kept at fast work over irregular or hard roads, chronic carpitis with hyperplasia of the structures of the anterior carpal region results, owing to frequent bruising from falls. Where inflammation is caused by a puncture wound and subfascial infection occurs, there is evident manifestation of pain.

In the glands of the groin, for example, associated with various forms of irritation about the external genitals, different types of chronic lymphadenitis are met with; they do not frankly suppurate as do the acute types, but are attended with a hyperplasia of the tissue elements which results in enlargement of the affected glands of a persistent, and sometimes of a relapsing character.

Microscopically the enlargement would seem to be due rather to hyperplasia than to hypertrophy. The bladder, except for absence of the opening of one ureter, was generally normal.

There are no associated constitutional symptoms, no tendency to similar morbid changes in other parts, and no infiltration elsewhere. There is little or no edema with ainhum. In ainhum there is, first, simple hypertrophy, then active hyperplasia The papillae degenerate when deprived of blood supply, and become horny.