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How bear it, when she, with a half-sad, half-amused smile, showed her thin wrists? How say that they would soon be strong and round again?

Right in the midst of this half-sad, half-sentimental reverie, she heard a familiar voice behind her say earnestly: "And allophite is the new hydrous silicate of alumina and magnesia, much resembling pseudophite, which Websky found in Silesia."

"Our seclusion interests you yes?" she said, with a half-sad, half-bitter smile on her scarlet lips, and Arlee was conscious of a sense of apologetic intrusion battling with her lively curiosity as she followed her down the long chamber and through a curtained doorway to the right of the throne-like chair, into a large and empty anteroom, where the sunlight streaming through the lightly screened window on the wall at the right reminded Arlee that it was yet glowing afternoon.

But although the Rheinischer Hof associates itself in my mind with many memories, half-pleasant, half-sad, it was not the most accustomed haunt of the casuals in Saarbruecken, including myself. Of the waifs and strays which the war had drifted down to the pretty frontier town the great rendezvous was the Hotel Hagen, at the bend of the turn leading from the bridge up to the railway station.

The girl looked at the daintily gloved hand held out to her, colored faintly, and put her own within it. "I thank you for your goodness," said she, surveying with half-sad, half-admiring glances, the somewhat pale face of the beautiful brunette. "And you will yield to our united requests?"

The Belgian greeted him with raised eyebrows and the little, half-sad, half-humorous smile which was characteristic of him in his gentler moments. "You were defending our friend with a purpose," he said, in a low voice. "Good! I am afraid he needs it here." The younger man hesitated a moment. Then he said: "I came on purpose to do that. Ste. Marie knows that she saw him on that confounded pig.

It was now ten days since Stephen, meeting Mercy in the town one day, had stopped, and said to her, in a half-sad tone which had touched her, "Do you really never mean to come again to see my mother? I do assure you it would be a great kindness." His tone conveyed a great deal, his tone and his eyes. They said as plainly as words could have said,

‘If you like,’ was the reply; and Eliza slipped into the vacant chair; then, looking up in my face with a half-sad, half-playful smile, she whispered,—‘You’re so stern, Gilbert.’ I handed down her tea with a slightly contemptuous smile, and said nothing, for I had nothing to say. ‘What have I done to offend you?’ said she, more plaintively. ‘I wish I knew.’

Lincoln took the platform, began with words half-sad, half-mirthful, and concluded: "All seems dead, dead, dead; but the age is not yet dead; it liveth as sure as our Maker liveth. Under all this seeming want of life and motion, the world does move nevertheless. Be hopeful. And now let us adjourn, and appeal to the people." The prairie caught fire at last.

He was silenced by a gesture from the colonel, who now sat very straight on his horse and beckoned to Nathaniel. The boy came timorously. "You have heard lies about me, Everett. Be man enough to trust your own heart." He broke into a half-sad little laugh at Nathaniel's face of fascinated repulsion. "You can laugh now," whispered the boy, close at his knee, "but when you come to die?