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'Stand back! said the outraged Mr. Grummer. By way of adding force to the command, he thrust the brass emblem of royalty into Sam's neckcloth with one hand, and seized Sam's collar with the other a compliment which Mr. Weller returned by knocking him down out of hand, having previously with the utmost consideration, knocked down a chairman for him to lie upon. Whether Mr.

Grummer, who seemed to consider that any slight cast upon the divine right of magistrates was a species of blasphemy not to be tolerated. But when Mr.

He should fine Winkle two pounds, and Snodgrass one pound, besides requiring them to enter into their own recognisances to keep the peace towards all his Majesty's subjects, and especially towards his liege servant, Daniel Grummer. Pickwick and Tupman he had already held to bail. Immediately on the magistrate ceasing to speak, Mr.

You're drunk, fellow. 'I am not drunk, your Worship, said the man. 'You ARE drunk, returned the magistrate. 'How dare you say you are not drunk, Sir, when I say you are? Doesn't he smell of spirits, Grummer? 'Horrid, your Wash-up, replied Grummer, who had a vague impression that there was a smell of rum somewhere. 'I knew he did, said Mr. Nupkins.

Some people maintains that an Englishman's house is his castle. That's gammon. The Pickwickians gazed on each other with wondering eyes. 'Which is Mr. Tupman? inquired Mr. Grummer. He had an intuitive perception of Mr. Pickwick; he knew him at once. 'My name's Tupman, said that gentleman. 'My name's Law, said Mr. Grummer. 'What? said Mr. Tupman. 'Law, replied Mr.

At the conclusion of this address, Mr. Weller brushed his hat with his right elbow, and nodded benignly to Jinks, who had heard him throughout with unspeakable awe. 'Who is this man, Grummer? said the magistrate. 'Wery desp'rate ch'racter, your Wash-up, replied Grummer. 'He attempted to rescue the prisoners, and assaulted the officers; so we took him into custody, and brought him here.

'A very good name for the Newgate Calendar, said Mr. Nupkins. This was a joke; so Jinks, Grummer, Dubbley, all the specials, and Muzzle, went into fits of laughter of five minutes' duration. 'Put down his name, Mr. Jinks, said the magistrate. 'Two L's, old feller, said Sam. Here an unfortunate special laughed again, whereupon the magistrate threatened to commit him instantly.

A stupid and malicious old constable, known as "Old Lucas," went to arrest the clown on an imaginary charge, as he was among his friends at the theatre. As in the case of Grummer, the friends, like Winkle and Snodgrass, threatened the constable. The magistrate heard the case, sentenced Grimaldi to pay 5s. fine. Old Lucas, in his disappointment, arrested him again.

Grummer, commanding the sedan-bearers to halt, advanced with dignified and portentous steps to the very green gate from which Job Trotter had emerged, and gave a mighty pull at the bell-handle which hung at the side thereof.

'What is the meaning of this atrocious intrusion upon my privacy? said Mr. Pickwick. 'Who dares apprehend me? said Mr. Tupman. 'What do you want here, scoundrels? said Mr. Snodgrass. Mr. Winkle said nothing, but he fixed his eyes on Grummer, and bestowed a look upon him, which, if he had had any feeling, must have pierced his brain. As it was, however, it had no visible effect on him whatever.