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Updated: August 5, 2024

Ye see, there's vast deeference between towin' a ship wi' men on her an' pickin' up a derelict a vast deeference in pounds sterlin'. Moreover, twa three o' the Grotkau's crew were burnin' to testify about food, an' there was a note o' Calder to the Board, in regard to the tail-shaft, that would ha' been vara damagin' if it had come into court. They knew better than to fight.

We stuck to the Grotkau's tail that night an' the next twa days she slowed down to five knot by my reckonin' and we lapped along the weary way to the Fastnet." "But you don't go by the Fastnet to get to any South American port, do you?" I said. "We do not. We prefer to go as direct as may be. But we were followin' the Grotkau, an' she'd no walk into that gale for ony consideration.

The propeller had e'en jarred off, as I knew it must, an' Calder had been waitin' for it to go wi' his hand on the gear. He told me as much when I met him ashore. There was nothin' started or strained. It had just slipped awa' to the bed o' the Atlantic as easy as a man dyin' wi' due warning a most providential business for all concerned. Syne I took stock o' the Grotkau's upper works.

'We'll be a day behind the fair at Liverpool. The Grotkau's got all the freight that might ha' been ours an' the Lammergeyer's. McRimmon laughed an' chuckled the pairfect eemage o' senile dementia. Ye ken his eyebrows wark up an' down like a gorilla's. "'Ye're under sealed orders, said he, tee-heein' an' scratchin' himself. 'Yon's they' to be opened seriatim.

Round we came, plungin' an' squatterin' in her wake, an' the wind cut wi' good promise o' more to come. By six it blew hard but clear, an' before the middle watch it was a sou'wester in airnest. "'She'll edge into Ireland, this gait, says Bell. I was with him on the bridge, watchin' the Grotkau's port light. Ye canna see green so far as red, or we'd ha' kept to leeward.

"Syne they bent a twa-inch rope to the life-line, an' a hawser to that, an' I led the rope o'er the drum of a hand-winch forward, an' we sweated the hawser inboard an' made it fast to the Grotkau's bitts. "Bell brought the Kite so close I feared she'd roll in an' do the Grotkau's plates a mischief.

The auld deil had just come down overnight, puttin' two an' two together from what Calder had told him when the liner landed the Grotkau's men. He had preceesely hit oor time. I'd hailed Bell for something to eat, an' he sent it o'er in the same boat wi' McRimmon, when the auld man came to me. He grinned an' slapped his legs and worked his eyebrows the while I ate.

"'Aweel, Dandie's afflicted wi' the same disease. Dandie, strive against curiosity, for it brings a little dog into traps an' suchlike. Whaur was the Kite when yon painted liner took off the Grotkau's people? "'Just there or thereabouts, I said. "'An' which o' you twa thought to cover your lights? said he, winkin'. "'Dandle, I said to the dog, 'we must both strive against curiosity.

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