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At this instant the Baron de la Roche-Hugon, after questioning all the dowagers without success as to the blue lady's name, applied in despair to the Comtesse de Gondreville, from whom he reached only this unsatisfactory reply, "A lady whom the 'ancient' Duchesse de Lansac introduced to me."

These eleven trees there are only eleven contain the whole fortune of the Simeuse brothers, now that Gondreville has been taken from them." "It will take a hundred years for the nobility to recover from such blows," said Mademoiselle de Cinq-Cygne, slowly. "Is there a pass-word?" asked Michu. "'France and Charles' for the soldiers, 'Laurence and Louis' for the Messieurs d'Hauteserre and Simeuse.

In fact, an alliance with the intimate friend of the senator Comte de Gondreville, peer of France, was certainly a great honor for the son of a Gondreville tenant-farmer. The widow Beauvisage, his mother, would have made any sacrifice to obtain it; but on learning the success of her son, she dispensed with the duty of giving him a dot, a wise economy which was imitated by the notary.

Montcornet stopped a man by taking his arm a fat little man, whose iron-gray hair and clever eyes were to be seen at the lintel of every doorway, and who mingled unceremoniously with the various groups which welcomed him respectfully. "Gondreville, my friend," said Montcornet, "who is that quite charming little woman sitting out there under that huge candelabrum?" "The candelabrum?

When the Shady Affair came out in the Commerce journal, Balzac was accused of having identified a certain Monsieur Clement de Ris with his Malin de Gondreville, who plays an evil role in the story that of an unscrupulous, political turncoat, Revolutionary to begin with, Senator under the Empire, and Peer under the Restoration.

"But I assure you," persisted Ernestine, "that just before you came in Monsieur Godivet, the registrar, was declaring with enthusiasm that Simon would be Keeper of the Seals in three years." "Do they count on the influence of the Comte de Gondreville?" asked the sub-prefect, coming up to the two girls and guessing that they were making fun of his friend Giguet. "Ah!

But in serving me, as you have lately done at Berlin, you can win credit and repute." "Monseigneur is very good." "You displayed genius in that late affair at Gondreville." "To what does Monseigneur allude?" said Corentin, with a manner that was neither too reserved nor too surprised. "Ah, Monsieur!" observed the minister, dryly, "you will never make a successful man; you fear "

"I do not understand why, apropos of an election," continued the old colonel, rising suddenly, with the blood boiling in his face, "we should be hauled up for the ties which connect us with the Comte de Gondreville. My son's fortune comes from his mother; he has asked nothing of the Comte de Gondreville.

The forest, searched throughout, the department of the Aube, ransacked from end to end, gave not the slightest indication of the passage of the Comte de Gondreville nor of his imprisonment.

"That's right, old fellow; it is not under Bonaparte that the present possessor of Gondreville can be ousted." Just then Malin, happening to look up, saw the muzzle of a gun through the foliage of a tall linden.