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The men and women goe so alike, that one cannot know a man from a woman but by their breastes, which in the most part be very foule and long, hanging downe like the vdder of a goate.

Bear and Goate dropped to the ground, Hawker splashed water all over Dam's body and, as he rose on the word "Time" snatched away the chair and joined his colleagues, who crouched with faces on a level with the boards. "Oh, buck him up, good Lord, and put ginger in his short-arm work, and O Lord, take care of his chin and mark," prayed Trooper Bear, with deep and serious devoutness.

Men howled like lunatics, and the Queen's Greys behaved like very dangerous lunatics. Hawker flung his arms round Dam and endeavoured to raise him on his shoulders and chair him unaided. Bear and Goate got each a hand and proceeded to do their best to crush it. Seamen Jones and Smith exchanged a chaste kiss. Damocles de Warrenne was the hero of the Queen's Greys.

"Also, to the Philosopher, bread-and-dripping is as interesting and desirable prog as the voluble-varied heterogeny of the menu at the Carlton or the Ritz 'specially when you've no choice." "Hear, hear," put in Dam. "Goatey ol' Goate!" said Trooper Bear with impressive solemnity. "Give me your hand, Philossiler. I adore dripping. I understan' it. I write odes to it. Yesh.

Doe I thinke When I behold the wanton Sparrows change Their chirps to billing, they are chast? or see The Reeking Goate over the mountaine top Pursue his Female, yet conceit him free From wild concupiscence?

SIR, This is to tell you that you will be expected to-morrow morning about nine o'clock at a lodging over against the place where Charinge Crosse stood, and two doors above Ye Goate Taverne; if with these directions you can find it out, you will there find one that is very much Your servant. Now I have got the trick of breaking my word, I shall do it every day.

"Breave for all y'r worf," grunted Hawker, as he mightily swung a big bath-towel in swift eddies, to drive refreshing air upon the heaving, panting body of his principal. Bear and Goate applied massaging hands with skilled violence. "By Jove, I thought you had him," panted Goate as he kneaded triceps and biceps. "And then I thought he had you.

I have had ladies with me all the afternoon that are for London to-morrow, and now I have as many letters to write as my Lord General's Secretary. Forgive me that this is no longer, for I am your. Addressed For Mrs. Paynter, at her house in Bedford Street, next ye Goate, In Covent Garden. Letter 22. Mr. Fish and Mr. Freeman were probably neighbours of Dorothy. There is a Mr.

"Time" barked the time-keeper, and, catching up the chair as Dam rose, Trooper Bear dropped down from the boards of the ring to the turf, where already crouched Hawker and Goate, looking like men about to be hanged.

Trooper Herbert Hawker violently chafed Dam's legs, Trooper Bear his arms and chest, while Trooper Goate struggled to force a pair of new boxing-gloves upon his hands, which were scientifically bandaged around knuckles, back, and wrist, against untimely dislocations and sprains.