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A reasonable interpretation of these facts was that the animals with fewer toes had evolved from ancestors with five digits, of which the outer ones had progressively disappeared during successive geological periods, while the middle one enlarged correspondingly. The facts provided by palæontology sustain this contention with absolutely independent testimony.

As director of the Geological Survey, I deeply realize that I owe allegiance to the scientific men of the country, and for this reason I desire to present to the National Academy of Sciences the organization and plan of operations of the Survey. Sound geologic research is based on geography.

Mineral wealth of the Banat Wild ride to Dognacska Equipment for a riding tour An afternoon nap and its consequences Copper mines Self-help Bare insects Moravicza Rare minerals Deutsch Bogsan Reschitza. The neighbourhood of Oravicza is well worth exploring, especially by those who like knocking about with a geological hammer.

Describe and account for the surface mm'. How does it differ from the surface of the crystalline rocks seen in the Torridonian Mountains, and why? This surface mm' is one of the oldest land surfaces of which any vestige remains. It is a bit of fossil geography buried from view since the earliest geological ages and recently brought to light by the erosion of the canyon.

A general review of the whole field of Biology not only of the Natural History of the present but of the geological record in relation to the known laws and the various main theories of the evolutionary process will be taken, and in addition some special department, either the Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrata chiefly, or of the plants chiefly, or of several Invertebrated groups chiefly, will be exhaustively worked out in relation to these speculations.

Impelled towards the hypothesis of the transmutation of species, partly by his general cosmological and geological views; partly by the conception of a graduated, though irregularly branching, scale of being, which had arisen out of his profound study of plants and of the lower forms of animal life, Lamarck, whose general line of thought often closely resembles that of De Maillet, made a great advance upon the crude and merely speculative manner in which that writer deals with the question of the origin of living beings, by endeavouring to find physical causes competent to effect that change of one species into another, which De Maillet had only supposed to occur.

We have evidence of almost every conceivable kind, organic and inorganic, that within a very recent geological period, central Europe and North America suffered under an Arctic climate.

The statute provides that "the scientific employes of the Geological Survey shall be selected by the Director, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, exclusively for their qualifications as professional experts."

"'All, all are gone, the old familiar faces. I have been here a week, and the only living creature who seemed to recollect me was the Pharaon. Bar the Sirons, of course, and the perennial Bodmer." "Is there no survivor?" I inquired. "Of our geological epoch? not one," he replied. "This is the city of Petra in Edom." "And what sort of Bedouins encamp among the ruins?" I asked.

Once at the precipitous termination caused by the face of rock that had been thrown to the surface by some geological phenomenon, he could not miss his way, since these rugged marks must of themselves lead him directly to the station known to be occupied by the body of his foes.