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She tossed her head sharply. "Friends!" she exclaimed. "Mother of God! Would you walk about with your knives for ever? When every day other men are taken, can you ask to go free? Am I the wife of the Intendente?" "No, nod the vife!" barked the stout man violently. "But if you gan't tell us noding better than to stop for der police to dake us, vot's der good of you?"

Rosenthal, that that 's no way to do business. A man gan't zugzeed that goes upon that brincible. Id's wrong. Id's easy enough to make a man puy the goat you want him to, if he wands a goat, but the thing is to make him puy the goat that you wand to zell when he don't wand no goat at all. You've asked me what I thought and I've dold you.

Why, mine dear Yellow, Ghi-gago's more as vorty miles; you gan't ride mit dot to Ghigago;" and the old fellow's eyes fairly bulge with astonishment at the bare idea of riding forty miles "mit dot." I considerately refrain from telling him of my already 2,500-mile jaunt "mit dot," lest an apoplectic fit should waft his Teutonic soul to realms of sauer-kraut bliss and Limburger happiness forever.

Or the gale may tear it to pieces, scattering the diamonds over a whole block, and not one in ten of the stones would ever be found." Mrs. Macey sat in the runabout, a picture of mute misery. Herr Schimmelpodt elbowed his way through the outskirts of the crowd and stood absorbing his share in the local excitement. "Ach! I am afraid dere is von thing dot you gan't do, Bresgott," smiled the German.

Besides, if he was as wicked as Lucifer, the folks of the country don't know anything about it, sin' he's be'n away ever sin' he has be'n a man." "Vhy, den, gan't he haf as many votes as dat poor, ignorant fellow might haf? das ist ott." "It is odd, but it's true as gospel. Why, it may not be so easy to tell. Many men, many minds, you know.

Rosenthal, that that 's no way to do business. A man gan't zugzeed that goes upon that brincible. Id's wrong. Id's easy enough to make a man puy the goat you want him to, if he wands a goat, but the thing is to make him puy the goat that you wand to zell when he don't wand no goat at all. You've asked me what I thought and I've dold you.