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His Princess, all rightly ennobled now, whom he would not but marry, though sent on the grand tour to avoid it, was the daughter of one Fos an Apothecary at Dessau; and is still a beautiful and prudent kind of woman, who seems to suit him well enough, no worse than if she had been born a Princess.

It may perhaps be characterized as a rash step to reject the statement of Herodotus respecting the age of Homer on the strength of such considerations; but is there no rashness in following implicitly the guidance of tradition in questions of this kind? E. g. the inscription on an earthen vase of Cumae runs thus: Tataies emi lequthos Fos d' an me klephsei thuphlos estai .

Now, tell me the truth, has the English slave, George Fos Fos I forget his name " "Geo'ge Foster," suggested the negro, with an amiable look. "Yes; has Foster had no hand in the matter?" "Unpossible, I t'ink," said Peter. "You see he was wid me and all de oder slabes when de girl hoed off, an' I don't t'ink eben a Englishman kin be in two places at one time. But you kin ax him; he's in de gardin."

Fosbroke in the park, and had asked leave to go up to the house with him, just for a peep at his patient. 'He only stayed a quarter of an hour, said Vernie, 'for old Fos was in a hurry; but it was such fun!

He made me laugh all the time, and Fos laughed, too, he couldn't help it; and he said Jack's funny talk was better for me now than all the medicine in his surgery; and I am to get up for an hour or two this afternoon; and I am to have some chicken, and as much asparagus as ever I can eat and in less than a week I shall be able to go up to the hanger and see Jack.

By 6.30 they were all creeping away with their oxen up a road that runs north-west among the hills in the direction of Tintwa Pass. It was the most hopeful movement we had yet seen, but one large laager was still left at the foot of Fos Kop, or Mount Moriah. The early morning was bright, but a mist soon covered the sun.

As I said when speaking of the Crau, the whole delta of the Rhone, which extended in the diluvial epoch from Cette to Fos, consists of a vast sloping plain of rolled stones from the Alps.

The first chain gives us the primitive beach, which began at the lagoon of Maugio, traversed the entire Camargue, and can be traced to Fos. It is formed of an almost uninterrupted succession of sandhills crowned with a tolerably rich vegetation; on it grow the white poplar, the aleppo and the umbrella pines.

This filled up a great bay now occupied by the mouths of the Rhone, and spread in a triangle from Avignon as the apex, to Cette in the west, and Fos in the east. This rubble, washed down from the Alps, forms the substratum of the immense plain that inclines at a very slight angle into the Mediterranean, and extends for a considerable distance below the sea.

It depends partly on mere euphony: Khaireis horôn fôs is probably more beautiful in sound than 'You rejoice to see the light', but euphony cannot be everything. The sound of a great deal of Greek poetry, either as we pronounce it, or as the ancients pronounced it, is to modern ears almost ugly.