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I think that about the first indication that all that glittered in the mansuetude of Firenze la Gentile was not gold, showed itself on the occasion of an attempt to naturalise at Florence the traditional sportiveness of the Roman Carnival.

At this time there took place the death of the King of Naples, whereupon Giuliano Gondi, a very rich Florentine merchant, returned from that city to Florence, and commissioned Giuliano da San Gallo, with whom he had become very intimate on account of his visit to Naples, to build him a palace in rustic work, opposite to S. Firenze, above the place where the lions used to be.

Suddenly Holliday burst out again with an edge of nervous apprehension in his voice. "See here, Sartorius. What about that chemist? He knows. What if he goes to the police?" The doctor gave a disparaging grunt. "What does he know? Merely that an American nurse brought him a needle to be analysed and gave the Villa Firenze as her address.

L'Invasione tedesca in Italia. Ezio M. Gray. Firenze. Of all German financial institutions the most influential and prosperous is the Deutsche Bank. It has been aptly termed an empire within the empire. Its capital, 250 million francs, exceeds that of the Reichsbank by thirty millions.

Two other masterpieces from Guicciardini's pen, the Dialogo del Reggimento di Firenze and the Storia Fiorentina, have been given to the world during the last twenty years. To have published them immediately after their author's death would have been inexpedient, since they are far too candid and outspoken to have been acceptable to the Medicean dynasty.

Hubert of Lucca How came they, think you, to choose him out of a stranger city, and that a poorer one than their own? Was there no Florentine then, of all this rich and eager crowd, who was fit to govern Florence? I cannot find any account of this Hubert, Bright mind, of Ducca; Villani says simply of him, "Fu il primo capitano di Firenze."

It is so remarkable as to be, at all events, worth noting, that contemporaneously with this singular deterioration in respect to crime, another social change has taken place in Florence. La Gentile Firenze has of late years become very markedly the home of clericalism of a high and aggressive type. This is an entirely new feature in the Florentine social world.

The sanitary action of the forest has been lately matter of much attention in Italy. See Rendiconti del Congresso Medico del 1869 a Firenze, and especially the important observations of Selmi, Il Miasma Palustre, Padua, 1870, pp. 100 et seq.

From Perkins's Tuscan Sculptors, vol. i. p. 54. A recent work by Signor G.J. Cavallucci, entitled S. Maria del Fiore, Firenze, 1881, has created a revolution in our knowledge regarding this church. Giov. Villani, x. 192. Illustrated Handbook of Architecture, book vi. chap. i. Ib. See Grüner's Terra Cotta Architecture of North Italy, plates 3 and 4.

And as we went up beyond San Domenico, through those lands which in spring and summer are so fruitful with their vines and olives, two peasant swains passed, chanting one of the old stornelli, those quaint love-songs of the Tuscan contadini the same which have been sung for centuries in and about old Firenze: Acqua di rio. Teco sarò di luglio e di gennaio Dove tu muori te, morirò anch'io.