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The next thing that would happen would be that you would think you saw a pink elephant sitting on the drawing-room window-sill and start throwing bricks at it.... Well, come on, Tom, the entertainment seems to be over.... But wait. The newt king wishes a word with us.... Yes, Mr. Fink-Nottle?" Gussie, as he joined our little group, seemed upset about something. "I say!" "Say on, Augustus."

"I beg your pardon?" she said. I waved a jaunty hand. "Nothing," I said. "Nothing. Just remembered there's a letter I have to write tonight without fail. If you don't mind, I think I'll be going in. Here," I said, "comes Gussie Fink-Nottle. He will look after you." And, as I spoke, Gussie came sidling out from behind a tree. I passed away and left them to it.

Fink-Nottle, leaning against the sundial, held Miss Bassett enthralled with stories of your schooldays. Mrs. Travers, meanwhile, was telling Monsieur Anatole " I found speech. "Oh?" I said. "I see.

What with the natural reaction after Pongo's party and this stunning blow, it is not too much to say that the soul was seared. And I was still writhing in the depths, when the door opened and Jeeves appeared. "Mr. Fink-Nottle to see you, sir," he announced. I gave him one of my looks. "Jeeves," I said, "I had scarcely expected this of you.

This cannot be done by wolfing sausages." "No, sir." "Very well, then." And, taking form and p., I drafted the following: Fink-Nottle Brinkley Court, Market Snodsbury Worcestershire Lay off the sausages. Avoid the ham. Bertie. "Send that off, Jeeves, instanter." "Very good, sir." I sank back on the pillows. "Well, Jeeves," I said, "you see how I am taking hold.

He still looked like a cat in an adage, and it did not take me long to realise that my very first act on escaping from this morgue must be to draw him aside and give him a pep talk. If ever a chap wanted the clarion note, it looked as if it was this Fink-Nottle.

We must save the unfortunate blighter, Jeeves." "Yes, sir." "A human life is a human life, what?" "Exceedingly true, sir." "The first thing, then, is to find him. After that we can discuss plans and schemes. Go forth, Jeeves, and scour the neighbourhood." "It will not be necessary, sir. If you will glance behind you, you will see Mr. Fink-Nottle coming out from beneath your bed."

And if I portrayed the scene with anything like adequate skill, the picture you will have retained of this Fink-Nottle will have been that of a nervous wreck, sagging at the knees, green about the gills, and picking feverishly at the lapels of his coat in an ecstasy of craven fear. In a word, defeatist.

"Fink-Nottle," he said, opening his eyes. "Fitz-Nottle." "Fink-Nottle." "I should say Fink-Nottle." "Of course you should, you silly ass," said Gussie genially. "All right, get on with it." And closing his eyes, he began trying to cross his legs again. I could see that this little spot of friction had rattled the bearded bloke a bit.

And it was while I was still massaging the coconut and wondering what the next move was that something barged up against the door like the delivery of a ton of coals. "I think this may very possibly be Mr. Fink-Nottle himself, sir," said Jeeves. His intuition, however, had led him astray. It was not Gussie but Tuppy. He came in and stood breathing asthmatically.