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Amazingly, incredibly to him, this grown woman appeared about to ensconce herself. "But won't it make her jump?" he asked, supposing it to be Miss Madison for whom the little surprise was intended. "Of course it'll make her jump. No matter how often I do it, she jumps. That's the fun." "Mrs. Hawthorne, please!" he begged nervously. "As a very special favor to me, don't!

He wishes to ensconce me snugly in the Bastile purely and simply, look you!" "What for?" cried Raoul, terrified at what he heard. "On account of what I told him one day at Blois. I was warm; he remembers it." "You told him what?" "That he was mean, cowardly, and silly." "Good God!" cried Raoul, "is it possible that such words should have issued from your mouth?"

Moreover, the edge of this curious and sudden valley is indented and pierced with a number of little crevices and fissures in which riflemen can snugly ensconce themselves with little risk of being seen by attackers in front. This was the main Boer position. You see it departed from the general rule, and instead of occupying a hill, occupied a hollow.

"I don't know," said he "but I observe all respectable family-men do there must be something in it I shall discover the secret by and by." In this house did Mr. Ferrers ensconce himself with two middle-aged maidservants, and a man out of livery, whom he chose from a multitude of candidates, because the man looked especially well fed.

South of Paniput the trees alongside the road are literally swarming with monkeys; they file in long strings across the road, looking anxiously behind, evidently frightened at the strange appearance of the bicycle. Shinnying up the toddy-palms, they ensconce themselves among the foliage and peer curiously down at me as I wheel past, giving vent to their perturbation in excited cries.

"Misericorde! if I were to ensconce myself in this leafy cabin, this gloomy sombre hole, I should fancy myself seated at the bottom of a blacking-bottle I respectfully decline the honour of occupying the hut." "Very well, let us proceed to another," we exclaimed.

A few more level dusty miles, and we rattled into Rawal Pindi, where, after depositing our sick man safely in his own mess precincts, we proceeded to ensconce ourselves in Flashman's Hotel, which is certainly far better than the Lime Tree, where we stayed before. Indian hotels are about the worst in the world.

Finding that there was nobody there for the little buffet was at the end of the entire suite of rooms, and all those who were not either in the ball-room, or in the card-room, were at that moment in the principal supper-room it had seemed well to the Conte Leandro, in his dudgeon and spite against all the world, to ensconce himself quietly behind the curtain, and hear what use Ludovico and Bianca would make of their tete-a-tete.

Now the scene of the festivities was enlivened by four huge set-pieces of fireworks, each with a bell-shaped base in which a man could ensconce himself to the waist.

Where a cliff stood up precipitous or overhanging, and in its face gaped caverns, those who sought refuge in time of danger naturally looked to them, and contrived means of reaching them, therein to ensconce their goods and secure their persons. They might have to contemplate the devastation of their fields, and their farms burning, from their eyries, but they knew that their persons were safe.