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They were first taken out of the country by a certain Captain Coffin. The first scientific description of them was given by Professor J. C. Warren, who examined them in Boston, at the Harvard University, in 1829. At that time Eng was 5 feet 2 inches and Chang 5 feet 1 1/2 inches in height.

The two great biographies of the English statesman are those of Basil Williams, 2 vols. , very favorable to Pitt, and Albert von Ruville, Eng. trans., 3 vols. , hostile to Pitt. See also Lord Rosebery, Lord Chatham, His Early Life and Connections ; D. A. Winstanley, Lord Chatham and the Whig Opposition ; and the famous essay on Pitt by Lord Macaulay.

The young lady gave it, a well known name, and added that he had very little principle, or character. King Eng spoke up at once, and calling the other girl by name said, 'Yes, but his parents are fine people." The King's Daughters' Society was organized during King Eng's stay at Ohio Wesleyan, and ten groups, of ten girls each, were formed among the students of Monnett Hall.

According to the simple idea of our forefathers, guilt or innocence was regarded as a mere matter of fact; and it was thought that no man, who knew the real circumstances of a case, could be at a loss to determine whether the culprit ought to be condemned or acquitted." 1 Millar's Hist. View of Eng. Gov., ch. 12, p. 332 4.

Mackintosh's Hist. of Eng., ch. 3, Of the Great Charter, the trial by jury is the vital part, and the only part that places the liberties of the people in their own keeping.

had two medical students in training, who also assisted her in the hospital work, one of them her younger sister, Seuk Eng. She speaks warmly of their work among the patients, and of the patients' appreciation of what was done for them.

But, to his bitter distress, every now and then Eng gets drunk, and, of course, that makes Chang drunk too. This unfortunate thing has been a great sorrow to Chang, for it almost destroys his usefulness in his favorite field of effort.

We shall, on another occasion, give some particulars of experiments in the reduction of refractory ores by the process. Eng. and Mining Jour. Optical telegraphy, by reason of its very principle, presents both the advantage and inconvenience of leaving no automatic trace of the correspondence that it transmits.

But, to his bitter distress, every now and then Eng gets drunk, and, of course, that makes Chang drunk too. This unfortunate thing has been a great sorrow to Chang, for it almost destroys his usefulness in his favorite field of effort.

So after securing a passport for King Eng, in order that she might be able to return to America, the two girls made the trip together, spending Christmas in Yokohama, and enjoying a short visit to Tokio. The steamer stopped for a day at Kobe, and there Miss had the pleasure of visiting Dr. You King, then practising medicine under the Southern Methodist Mission. Dr.