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Updated: August 1, 2024

Her cheeks burned; it was by an effort that she suppressed the tears that anger was forcing to her eyes. The duke, 'twas plain, had set the fashion. Emulators were not wanting. Stray words she caught; by instinct was she conscious of the oglings, the fluttering of fans from the women, the flashing of quizzing-glasses from the men.

I should, on the contrary, have been glad to point out to our emulators the result of our researches, in the hope that such information might be of use to them and increase our geographical knowledge." On the 30th January a huge wall of ice was sighted, as to the nature of which opinions were divided.

The artillerymen were not the least noisy. Emulators of Mars, as Ben-Zayb called them, they were not satisfied with this music; thinking themselves perhaps at a bullfight, they made remarks at the ladies who passed before them in words that are euphemistically called flowers in Madrid, although at times they seem more like foul weeds.

And as much may be said of the larva of Scarabaeus pentodon, a fellow-boarder of the Oryctes and the Cetonia. Now that all the facts have been set forth, it is time to collate them. "The Hunting Wasps": chapters 1 to 3. Those predatory insects, working in the open air, are exempt from the difficulties which their emulators, working underground, have to overcome.

All these were lovers and emulators and disciples of the culture of the Lacedaemonians, and any one may perceive that their wisdom was of this character; consisting of short memorable sentences, which they severally uttered.

Will he not swiftly pound man and mask together into nothingness with his club, for womanizing and disgracing him? Well, these people were about as fit to represent you, and the degradation of it all was too much for me. Apes daring to masquerade as heroes! emulators of the ass at Cyme!

So, in the case of Egypt, was forged the image of that great Sesostris who looms so large in the pages of the Greek historians and combines many Pharaohs of the chief Theban dynasties in his own person. The romantic tales of Ctesias were united by Rollin and his emulators with other statements of perhaps still more doubtful value.

You shall hear young men of intelligence and cultivation, to whom the unprecedented circumstances of this country offer opportunities of a great and beneficent career, complaining that they were born within this blighted circle regretting that they were not bakers and tallow-chandlers, and under no obligation to keep up appearances deliberately surrendering all the golden possibilities of that Future which this country, beyond all others, holds before them sighing that they are not rich enough to marry the girls they love, and bitterly upbraiding fortune that they are not millionnaires suffering the vigor of their years to exhale in idle wishes and pointless regrets disgracing their manhood by lying in wait behind their "so gentlemanly" and "aristocratic" manners, until they can pounce upon a "fortune" and ensnare an heiress into matrimony: and so having dragged their gifts, their horses of the sun, into a service which shames out of them all their native pride and power, they sink in the mire, and their peers and emulators exclaim that they have "made a good thing of it."

The Forest of Fontainebleau can best be briefly described as a rendezvous for tourists and "trippers," and as a vast open-air studio for the youthful emulators of "the men of Barbison."

The work of Charlotte Brontë produced under a fervent admiration for "the satirist of Vanity Fair," whom she deemed "the first social regenerator of his day" is, with all its occasional morbidness of sensitive feeling, far more bracing in moral tone, more inspiring in its scorn of baseness and glorifying of goodness, than is the work of recent Positivist emulators of the achievements of George Eliot.

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