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Updated: August 26, 2024

This terrible name, thrown suddenly into the midst of my enemies, had the effect of a thunder-clap. All the ladies looked at each other first and then at the king, and the duc d'Aiguillon, reserving profound silence.

Every instant of this day and the next, that I did not spend by the sick-bed of Louis XV, were engrossed by most intimate friends, the ducs d'Aiguillon, de Cosse, etc., mesdames de Mirepoix, de Forcalquier, de Valentinois, de l'Hopital, de Montmorency, de Flaracourt, and others.

But mesdames received her so unsatisfactorily, that my own feelings told me, I ought not to be presented at court under her auspices. We thanked the comtesse d'Aloigny therefore, and sent her, as a remuneration, twenty thousand livres from the king. Whilst comte Jean failed on one side, the duc d'Aiguillon succeeded on another. He was someway related to madame de Bearn.

The young Duke de Richelieu had been declared heir to an immense fortune, of which his aunt and guardian, the Duchess d'Aiguillon, was the depositary. The stronghold of Havre de Grâce, which the Cardinal de Richelieu had formerly held as a place of retreat, was by such title in the possession of the Duchess d'Aiguillon.

The fortifications were being secretly reconstructed. D'Argenson adds that now is the moment to give an asylum to the wandering Prince Charles. 'The Duchesse d'Aiguillon, a great friend of the Prince, tells me that some days ago, while she was absent from her house at Ruel, an ill-dressed stranger came, and waited for her till five in the morning. Her servants recognised the Prince.

He founded the famous Academy of France and had his own plays performed at Ruel, the century-old château, where he gave fêtes of great magnificence. His niece, Mme. de Cambalet, was made Duchesse D'Aiguillon that she might adorn the sphere in which the Cardinal moved so royally.

The king of Denmark The courtesans of Paris The duc de Choiseul and the bishop of Orleans Witty repartees of the king of Denmark His visit to madame du Barry "The court of king Petaud," a satire Letter of the duc d'Aiguillon to Voltaire The duchesse de Grammont mystified Unpublished letter of Voltaire's

"At least," said I, "the war on my side shall be fair and open, and those belonging to you have not always waged it with me upon those terms." The duke merely warded off this last assertion by some unmeaning compliment, and we separated greater enemies than ever. The first person to whom I could communicate what had passed was the duc d'Aiguillon.

"Monseigneur," said Athos, with a calmness the more terrible because he risked his head in making this reply, "the letter is a woman's letter, but it is neither signed Marion de Lorme, nor Madame d'Aiguillon." The cardinal became as pale as death; lightning darted from his eyes. He turned round as if to give an order to Cahusac and Houdiniere.

No doubt at the beginning of our liaison the duc d'Aiguillon only saw in me a woman who could be useful to his projects and plans; but soon his heart joined the alliance, and a devotion of calculation was succeeded by a vehement passion, of which I was justly proud, as it subdued to my chains the most accomplished of courtiers. Our first interview was lively.

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