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In his younger days this Kaibuka had acquired an evil reputation for being the instigator and leader of cutting-off attacks on whaleships and trading vessels, and his performances had gained him such kudos and respect from his savage associates that now in his old age he was the most influential of the three principal head men of the whole lagoon.

We were told, of course, that it was not all quite as simple as this: that there were frequent metrical variations, such as trochees changing places with dactyls, and anapests with iambi; that feet could be inverted, so that a trochaic line might begin with an iambus, an anapestic line with a dactyl, or vice versa; that syllables might be omitted at the beginning or the end or even in the middle of a line, and that this "cutting-off" was called catalexis; that syllables might even be added at the beginning or end of certain lines and that these syllables were called hypermetric; and that we must be very watchful about pauses, particularly about a somewhat mysterious chief pause, liable to occur about the middle of a line, called a caesura.

In such cases the shrouding has been turned or faced off by a cutting-off tool used through the peep-hole. Carbon Packing Used Where the shaft passes through the upper head of the wheel-case some provision must be made to prevent steam from the first stage escaping. There are three sets of these blocks, and each set is made of two rings of three segments each.

Nor did they relate to squaws the sun myth, with its account of much cutting-off of headsthinking, perhaps, with wisdom, that these good ladies saw enough of carnage in their every-day life without introducing it into their catechism.

As they applied to us for justice and redress, we administered it, after 'seeing face and back, or hearing both sides, by a general cutting-off of the gin-supply and a temporary stoppage of 'Sunday-beef. I cannot leave this rich and unhappy Akankon mine without a few reflections; it so admirably solves the problem 'how not to do it. The concession was negotiated in 1878.

This may also explain the manner in which the beast causes those who will not worship the image to be killed an analagous killing; namely, an ecclesiastical cutting-off, or excommunication, as explained in previous chapters. For example see pp. 252, 291-294 of the present work. The facts just stated are well illustrated by the following circumstances.

Finally, to avenge him, some of the survivors of his tribe afterwards killed and ate three seamen who had had nothing to do with any stage of the miserable drama. Less well known than the fate of the Boyd is the cutting-off of the brig Hawes in the Bay of Plenty in 1829.

He meant it well, for he had been informed that the cutting-off of this commerce, which he regarded as illicit, would deprive the Spaniards of the necessaries of life, and Parma's position would become desperate.

The dead Californian's regrets for the abandonment of all effort in the Pacific, the cutting-off and uselessness of the great trans-Mississippi region, all return to him in vain sorrow. By Maxime Valois' grave, Peyton wonders if the battle-consecrated blood of the sons has washed away the sins of the fathers. He knows not of the brighter days, when the past shall seem a vision of romance.

For it proved so excessively exhilarating to deal thus with Angelo Luigi Francesco! She had old scores to settle. And had she not this very day received an odiously disquieting letter from him, in which he not only made renewed complaint of her poor, little miseries of debts and flirtations, but once more threatened retaliation by a cutting-off of supplies?