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Miss Craik's eyebrows lifted a little, but she did not cease her knitting. Winifred's face was painfully red, and in another moment pale. Carshaw was not often at his wits' end, but now for some seconds he stood embarrassed. Rachel Craik, however, saved him by saying quickly: "The gentleman has dropped something in your lap, Winifred." Whereupon Winifred handed back the unfortunate note.

Craik's conviction that the honour of being used of God as His instrument in forwarding the great work of the Scriptural Knowledge Institution belonged solely to George Muller. The trials of faith ceased not although the occasions of praise were so multiplied. On September 4, 1844, day-dawn, but one farthing was left on hand, and hundred and forty mouths were to be fed at breakfast!

I descended into the courtyard in time to catch the captain in his watchet-blue frock haggling with the landlord for a chaise, the two of them surrounded by a muttering crowd anxious for a glimpse of Mr. Craik's gardener's son, for he had become a nine-day sensation to the country round about.

III., Jacobean to Victorian. *Craik's English Prose, 5 vols. Chambers's Cyclopedia of English Literature. Century Readings for a Course in English Literature. Subject Matter and Aim. The history of English literature traces the development of the best poetry and prose written in English by the inhabitants of the British Isles.

We have daily fresh encouragements, and fresh proofs that our being here is of God. June 16. We saw another instance of conversion through brother Craik's instrumentality. June 25.

It chanced that Mick the Wolf, lying in Gateway House on a bed of pain, his injuries aggravated by the struggle with the detective, and his temper soured by Rachel Craik's ungracious ministrations, found his thoughts dwelling on the gentle girl who had forgotten her own sorrows and tended him, her enemy.

'Now, Laura, what have you got to say? 'He has sandy hair. 'Of course he has, the true Saxon colour. "Ah, Craik! is that you? How goes it?" One of Mr. Craik's gifts was that he could sigh better than almost anybody; whenever he was going to speak of anything as darkly mysterious, his sigh was enough to convince any but the most hardened. "I've been reading to her to-day.

In 1786 he said, in a letter, "I write to you with a very aching head and disordered frame.... Saturday last, by an imprudent act, I brought on an ague and fever on Sunday, which returned with violence Tuesday and Thursday; and, if Dr. Craik's efforts are ineffectual I shall have them again this day."

Altogether £285 1s. 1 1/4d. January 3, 1836. This morning brother Craik spoke a little in public for the first time after about nine months. January 6. Today we had three especial prayer meetings, for the full restoration of brother Craik's voice. We had also, on January 7, 8, 9, and 10, especial prayer meetings for brother Craik's full restoration. January 16.

Dennis's The Age of Pope. Stephen's Life of Swift. Craik's Life of Swift. Courthope's Life of Addison. Macaulay's Essay on Addison. Stephen's Life of Pope. De Quincey's Essay on Pope, and On the Poetry of Pope. Dryden. From his lyrical verse, read Alexander's Feast or A Song for St. Cecilia's Day.