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Skinny Rawlins came to the door. "It's Captain Jack," he said, "and and darned if th' Ramblin' Kid ain't got the filly!" "Aw, he couldn't have caught her last night," Bert Lilly said. "Well, she's there," Skinny retorted, "somebody's corraled her that's certain!" Hurriedly dressing, the cowboys crowded out of the bunk-house and down to the circular corral.

Accordin' to him Dunlavey had corraled that Hazelton girl outside an' was tellin' her somethin' pretty strong when a tenderfoot, which hadn't any regard for Dunlavey's delicate feelin's, up an' lambasted him in the jaw!" "Struck him?" queried the judge, grinning delightedly. "Knocked him cold," affirmed Norton, his eyes dancing. "Pasted him so hard that he thought it was night an' went to sleep.

I have read many beautiful poems about the sweet quiet of the Sabbath, but few of the poets have given the right solution of it. It is because all over the civilized world on that day, millions of Boys have been captured and corraled in Sunday schools. The very church bells understand it, and in the early hours ring out triumphantly, "Got-'em-in-here! Got-'em-in-here!"

"After the battle, in which I took a prominent part, I followed behind these half-starved, half-naked soldiers, first a fleeing army, then a mighty horde of discouraged tramps, then corraled and organized and under guard. The road was pock-marked with shell holes, which were being filled by laboring soldiers, first with Austrian dead, then stones, then earth.

"Feelin' pretty good?" When the ranchman did not reply, his inquisitor seemed amused. "A funny thing like this here always makes me laff," he remarked. "It sure does me a heap of good to see you all corraled like a fly in a bottle. Mebbe you'd take satisfaction in knowin' that it was me brung you down out yonder in the timber.