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He had been three days at Ryde, according to the arrangement. The bait took. Cornbury perceiving that the suspicion was against Wahop, thought that he could not do better than to boldly make his appearance at the cave, which would remove any doubts as to his own fidelity.

He had been three days at Ryde, according to the arrangement. The bait took. Cornbury perceiving that the suspicion was against Wahop, thought that he could not do better than to boldly make his appearance at the cave, which would remove any doubts as to his own fidelity.

"Do you know this paper, I ask you? Read it, sir," continued Nancy, handing it over to the leader of the smugglers. The paper was read, and the inflexible countenance of the leader turned towards Cornbury, who saw his doom. "Go in, Nancy Corbett, and let no women appear till all is over." "Liar!" said Nancy, spitting on the ground as she passed by Cornbury.

Lord Cornbury, the first governor, was also Governor of New York, a humiliating arrangement that led to no end of trouble.

Fitzpatrick put the pistol to his ear, the ball whizzed through his brain, the body half raised itself from its knees with a strong muscular action, and then toppled over and disappeared down the side of the precipice. "It's to be hoped that the next time you lave this world, Master Cornbury, it will be in a purliter sort of manner.

"If he comes, it shall be to his death;" and Nancy stooped down, picked up the pieces of paper which Cornbury had torn up, and put them in the basket she carried on her arm. It will be observed that Nancy had purposely thrown out hints against Wahop, to induce Cornbury to believe that he was not suspected. Her assertion that Wahop was not on the island was false.

Be wary, worthy burgher, or the second part of the tragedy of Kidd may yet be enacted in these seas." "I leave such transactions to my superiors," retorted the Alderman, with another stiff and ceremonious bow. "Enterprises that are said to have occupied the Earl of Bellamont, Governor Fletcher, and my Lord Cornbury, are above the ambition of an humble merchant."

When Clarendon House was destroyed, the collection went to his country house, at Cornbury, in Oxfordshire. He lived to regret the error into which a very human pride had led him.

Fitzpatrick walked up to the kneeling man with his loaded pistol, and then the others, who had led Cornbury to the edge of the cliff, retired. Fitzpatrick cocked the lock. "Would you like to say, `God have mercy on my treacherous sinful sowl, or anything short and sweet like that?" said Fitzpatrick; "if so, I'll wait a couple of seconds more for your convanience, Philip Cornbury."

Phips, however, though a rough brawler, was reasonably efficient, but Lord Cornbury, who became Earl of Clarendon, owed his appointment as Governor of New Jersey and New York in 1701, only to his necessities and to the desire of his powerful connections to provide for him. Queen Anne was his cousin.