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These were a centre of colonial life as important as had been the life in Virginia and New York and the New England States and Canada indeed, more important than Canada in one sense, for the West Indies brought wealth to the British Isles, and had a big export trade. He lost no time in bringing matters to an issue. He got to his feet and came near to her.

But we have at least common observation and common sense to satisfy us that but a small proportion of the naval outlay can be justly laid to colonial account, because so unimportant a proportion of the naval armament afloat, can be required for colonial service or defence.

Again, however, there is little reason for the supposition that Vergil's Eclogues in honor of Gallus have any reference whatever to this affair. The sixth followed the death of Siro, and the tenth seems to precede the days of colonial disturbances, if it has reference to Gallus as a soldier in Greece.

It was nearly the last of April, and she wanted a well-heated elderly mansion, preferably Colonial, not too unwieldily large, with as many rose-trees around it as her discretionary powers would stand. And she wanted it as near and as soon as possible. By the help of Mr. De Guenther, amused but efficient, Mrs.

The scarcity of colonial produce, the dearness of grain, the rigour of a hard winter, all contributed to disturb the people: the agitators turned all these misfortunes of the times into accusations and grounds of hatred against royalty. The government, powerless and disarmed, was rendered responsible for the severities of nature.

William the Third, at the bidding of the English Parliament, annihilated the flourishing woollen manufacture of Ireland; her trade with the Colonies was not only cramped, but ruined, by the navigation laws in force; which, amongst other things, enacted that no colonial produce could come to Ireland until it had at first entered an English port, and had been landed there.

He remembered also reading in a book upon "Country Sports" that the bearing of heavy weights is an excellent training for all other forms of exercise, and produces a manly and resolute carriage, very useful in golf, cricket and Colonial wars.

Perhaps we can even forgive him for that attack upon the Mathers which threw the conduct of the "Courant," for a brief period, into the hands of his brother Benjamin, whose turn at a London apprenticeship was soon to come. * Cook, E. C. "Literary Influences in Colonial Newspapers, 1704-1750."

According to present arrangements we shall, at latest, be in Perth by the October mail. Trusting that these proceedings may meet with the approval of his Excellency the Governor, I have, etc., Leader of Expedition to Eucla and Adelaide. The Honourable the Colonial Secretary, Perth, Western Australia. Fowler's Bay, 29th July, 1870.

In the town, we find Castle Street, Duke Street, Hill Street, Shoe Lane, and Love Lane names which smack unmistakably of the island home of John Gibbons, Hugh Giles, Richard Gilbert, and other colonial householders, whose names appear on a still existing rent-roll.