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For the space of a clock-tick the little celestial appeared to hesitate, as though waiting for her star-steed to come within her hail. Then, floatingly, not walking, it seemed to Miss Theodosia, the mist of blurry white drew nearer. It came near to Miss Theodosia, and it was not the nurse-angel in cap and shining halo. It was Stefana! The child was in her nightgown.

"All I can say is, I wish to God this infernal scoundrel's devil would fly away with him. Good-morning. I shall be round again about six o'clock." Has it ever been your lot you who read this to be told that Life is ebbing, slowly, slowly, every clock-tick telling on the hours that are left before the end the end of all that has made your fellow in the flesh more than an image and a name?

The captive had broken off the stalagmite, and upon the stump had placed a stone, wherein he had scooped a shallow hollow to catch the precious drop that fell once in every three minutes with the dreary regularity of a clock-tick a dessertspoonful once in four and twenty hours.

As I said before, it was a hot day, and all around the field waved fruit boughs nearly past their bloom, with the green of new leaves overcoming the white and red, and the air was heavy with honey-sweet, and, as steady as a clock-tick through all the roaring of the merrymakers, came the hum of the bees and the calls of the birds.

The bayonet professor indicates his row of dummies and says to his lads, "Just imagine they are Cabinet Ministers go!" and in a clock-tick the heavens are raining shreds of sacking and particles of straw. The demon bomber fancies some prominent Parliamentarian is lurking in the opposite sap, grits his teeth, and gets an extra five yards into his bowling.

Gammon clutched at the only possible method of appeasing his conscience, and postponing decisive words he took Polly's hand poorly gloved and secretly pressed the palm with a coin, which Polly in less than a clock-tick ascertained to be one pound sterling. She smiled. "What's that for?" "For for the present." And in this way another evening went by, leaving things as before.

But through all these, distinct, as precise as a clock-tick, Lockwood had heard, and yet distinguished, the click of a horse's hoof drawing near, and the horse was at a gallop: Reno at last. Lockwood drew his pistol. He stood in thick shadow.

The captive had broken off the stalagmite, and upon the stump had placed a stone, wherein he had scooped a shallow hollow to catch the precious drop that fell once in every three minutes with the dreary regularity of a clock-tick a dessertspoonful once in four and twenty hours.

Aye, Captain, men are strange creatures. Their moods will change with every clock-tick. One moment your master sits smoking and watching the flames the next he is tearing hatless from the house; and it is cold outside and the wind in the chimney is tumbling down the soot.

Miss Dobriner bared her teeth to a smile and closed her lips again before she spoke. "Good night madam." Then she went out, clicking the door behind her. Through the mauve-colored swinging-door and scarcely a clock-tick later entered Mr. Alphonse Michelson, spick, light-footed, slim. "Charley's left with the black lace, madam." It was as if Madam Moores suddenly threw off the husk of the day.