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It was sent to Prairie des Chiens, and entirely recovered from its wound. When the fortunes of Black Hawk became desperate, his few straggling allies, from other tribes, not only deserted him, but joined his enemies. It is to two Winnebagoes, Decorie, and Chaetar, that the fallen chief is indebted for being taken captive.

On the first of August, while in the act of crossing the Mississippi, an attack was made upon Black Hawk and his party by the steam boat Warrior, with an armed force on board. The commander of the boat, under date of Prairie des Chiens, 3d August 1832, gives the following account of it.

We purchase a copy, to get rid of the last intruder, and find it to be a 'Revue, satirique et humouristique, treating of divers matters, including 'faits atroces et chiens perdus'! Now without being accused of misanthropy, we may remark that there are times and places when an Englishman would rather be 'let alone, and that the precincts of Falaise are certainly of them.

It is the care of the valet during this interval to conceal the pieces of flesh which are still under the body. The hounds are then loosened, but are kept within bounds by the whips of the piqueurs and the valet des chiens. When the dogs are sufficiently exasperated the brutes are allowed to rush upon the remains of their victim; only, however, to be driven back again by whipping.

Louis in 1804 Black Hawk's account of this treaty Erection of Fort Madison The British excite the Sac and Fox Indians to make war upon the United States A party under Black Hawk join the British standard in 1812 Treaty at Portage des Sioux in 1815 Treaty of peace with Black Hawk and his band at same place in 1816 Treaty for part of their lands in Missouri in 1824 Treaty of Prairie des Chiens in 1825 Treaty for the mineral region in 1829 Treaty of peace in 1832, after the "Black Hawk war" Present residence of the Sacs and Foxes.

The rapidity with which it spread, the strange protean appearances which it assumed, and its too frequent fatal termination, surprised and puzzled the veterinary surgeons; and they called it "la maladie des chiens," the disease or distemper in dogs. It is comparatively a new disease.

On the 27th of August, they delivered Black Hawk and the Prophet to the Indian agent, General Street, at Prairie des Chiens. Upon their delivery, Decorie, the One-eyed, rose and said: "My father, I now stand before you. When we parted, I told you I would return soon; but I could not come any sooner. We have done what you told us to do.

The meutes, that is to say, the hounds which are let slip last of all, and which terminates the chase are then brought by the valet des chiens, who has great difficulty in keeping them from breaking loose. When the entrails have been cut away the valet sits astride the animal, holding up the nappe, or head and neck, shaking it at the already furious hounds.

In the thirteenth century, the Rue d'Isabelle was called the Fosse-aux- Chiens; and the kennels for the ducal hounds occupied the place where Madame Heger's pensionnat now stands.

On April 2, 1831, Taliaferro wrote: "The Express departed 4 men in a Skiff to convey the Mail to the Post Office at Prairie du Chiens our return Express daily expected." But they hoped too early and on April 5th it was recorded that "Our Express 1st which left for Prairie du Chiens on the 2d of March has now been Absent more than a Month & progressing in the Seccond.