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But even when the messengers were safe in the fort it was not certain that they brought what was so eagerly looked for, as the entry on February 27th clearly shows: "Lieut Williams & Mr Bailly returned this eveng from Prairie du Chiens but brought no Mail there having been no arrival since December."

Pardonnez mon extase.... Ah! ai compris votre canon.... Oui, oui, la grande-bataille.... Allemands chiens! And then striking his breast violently: 'Dans le coeur, moi ... je vous porte.... Ah! How do such works come to be neglected by our Republic? How is it they have not a place in our public life? Why are they not part of our great ceremonies?

Yet I could have forgiven his aristocracy, if he had not put these two 'chiens' above me." The position in which the mayor and his deputy sat, on the box of the chaise, continually presenting them to the eye of my companion, kept his choler peculiarly active. "One of these fellows," he exclaimed, "was the Marquis's cook, another his perruquier! I was his tailor.

They are bred for the cart, and are called "chiens de traite," so that the charge of cruelty upon the part of ignorant tourists may be dismissed as untrue. There is a society for the prevention of cruelty to animals, and it is not unusual to see its sign displayed in the market places, with the caution "Traitez les animaux avec douceur."

She's a widow now, in consumption, a poor creature... three little children, starving... nothing in the house... there's a daughter, too... perhaps you'd have given it yourself if you'd seen them. But I had no right to do it I admit, especially as I knew how you needed the money yourself. To help others one must have the right to do it, or else Crevez, chiens, si vous n'etes pas contents."

"I forbid!" screamed Père Marquette again. "Another time it is nothing. To-night it is to insult Mamma Jeanne. Stop it, chiens!" But Mamma Jeanne had her own word to say. Her plump arms were about her indignant spouse, dragging him back. "Let them be," she commanded. "Is not George a guest and has he not the right to put his heel upon an evil serpent? It is just," she cried, her eyes all fire.

The Englishman of the leading articles is calm, moderate, and restrained; but then the Englishman of the leading articles is a Prussian. The mere English consonants are full of Cobbett. Dr. Johnson was our great man of letters when he said "stinks," not when he said "putrefaction." Say "chats" and "chiens" and it is not the same.

The scenery of the Prairie des Chiens is among the most beautiful of the western wilderness nothing presents finer views than may be had from the lofty hills, which lie east of the Wisconsan.

One or two cases in which these have been exhibited, are worthy of being recorded. A few years since, some of his warriors fell in with a party of unarmed Menominies, at Prairie des Chiens, in sight of fort Crawford, and murdered the whole of them. Justly incensed at this outrage, the Menominies prepared to take up arms against the Sacs, and prevailed upon the Winnebagoes to join them.

Grooms left with 10 men on his 2d expedition below Lake Pepin in quest of whiskey Smuglers as our Indians even entering the country with it from Prairie du Chiens and the Traders of the Am Fur Cpy are geting whiskey over the country by land and water". During May, 1827, the agent called the attention of Colonel Josiah Snelling to the fact that in Mr.