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The next morning the chelas read a newspaper account of the death of many people whose ship had foundered the preceding day near Japan. The distant disciples of Lahiri Mahasaya were often made aware of his enfolding presence. "I am ever with those who practice KRIYA," he said consolingly to chelas who could not remain near him.

For instance, there's this new sect that's sprung up, who are going to revolutionise all creation well, I've read heaps of their books, I've spoken even to some of their members, but I confess Theosophy seems as much of a jumble as any other creed. Look at their priests, their yogis, and chelas, and such-like humbugs! They say their Buddha is as divine as our Christ. Maybe he is to them!

Eager to see Sri Yukteswar, I was disappointed to hear that he had left Serampore and was now in Puri, about three hundred miles to the south. "Come to Puri ashram at once." This telegram was sent on March 8th by a brother disciple to Atul Chandra Roy Chowdhry, one of Master's chelas in Calcutta.

How many European readers who would be quite incredulous if told of some results which occult chelas in the most incipient stages of their training have to accomplish by sheer force of confidence, hear constantly in church, nevertheless, the familiar Biblical assurances of the power which resides in faith, and let the words pass by like the wind, leaving no impression!"

"My fellow disciples informed me that Lahiri Mahasaya had not moved from his dais since early the preceding evening. "'He gave a wonderful discourse on immortality after you had left for the Dasasamedh GHAT, one of the chelas told me.

It is a mistake to imagine that death makes man immortal. Immortality is an attribute of the gods. This condition of awakening, is variously named among Oriental sages and chelas, such for instance as glimpsing the Brahmic splendor; mutki; samadhi; moksha; entering Nirvana; becoming "twice-born."

As the chelas after 16 years of this monastic training at the hands of their gurus are to be sent out as missionaries to propagate the Arya doctrines throughout India, the influence of these institutions in the moulding of Indian character and Indian opinion in the future cannot fail to be considerable.

We now had our period of probation to go through together, and she told me that all the other chelas here were going through the necessary training preparatory to wedlock like myself, and that there would be a general marrying all round, when the long-expected culminating epoch should arrive.

We sense her splendid tenure of beauty all the wonder that Mother Earth has given her.... One after another the lesser voices have told her that it must be, but she does not obey and then the Master comes down. It is one of the most glowing passages in all the literature of tone. The chelas have spoken and have not availed. Now the Guru speaks.

And the discovery of this great fact was due to woman; and it is for this reason that mahatmas shrink from female chelas they are afraid of them. According to their philosophy, women play a poor part in the system of the universe, and their chances of reaching the blissful condition of nirvana are practically not to be compared with those of the men.