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Iola recognized Dr. Bulling's words. "Surrendered? Just what, exactly?" "Oh, d-dash it all! You know the big fight that has been going on, the Duff Charringtons backing that little Redd girl." "Oh! So the Duff Charringtons have been backing the little Redd girl? Miss Evelyn Redd, I suppose? It sounds a little like a horse race or a pugilistic encounter." "A horse race!" he exclaimed. "Ha, ha, ha!

He felt a quick shame at the eagerness that rose at the words a surprised contempt at his own readiness to anticipate the man's weakness. But almost as speedily as he had turned away he looked back again. "Tush, man!" he said, with his old, intolerant manner. "You're dreaming. You've had your holiday and school's begun again. You must remember you are dining with the Charringtons to-night.

She led the way to her studio, ignoring the silly chatter of the man following her upstairs, and by the time he had fairly got himself seated she was coolly master of herself. "Just ran in to give you the great news." "To wit?" "Why, don't you know? The Philharmonic thing is settled. You've got it." Iola looked blank. "Why, haven't you heard that the Duff Charringtons have surrendered?"

Oh, it is all horribly loathsome!" For the first time she saw herself from Dr. Bulling's point of view. If she sang in the Philharmonic it would be by virtue of his good offices and by the gracious permission of the Duff Charringtons. That she had the voice for the part and that it was immeasurably better than Evelyn Redd's counted not at all. How mean she felt! And yet she must go on with it.

Turning aside, he changed the subject brusquely. "Come into the bedroom," he said. "It's half-past seven if it's a minute, and the Charringtons' show is at nine." Without waiting for a reply, he walked across the room and held the door open. There was no silence while they exchanged clothes.

She glanced once more at the written page, her eye falling upon a phrase here and there, "We have succeeded at last the Duff Charringtons have surrendered you only want a chance here it is you can do the part well." She smiled a little. Yes, she knew she could do the part. "And now let nothing or nobody prevent you from accepting Mrs. Duff Charrington's invitation for next Saturday.