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The deep cotyloid cavity renders disarticulation difficult and luxation does not often take place. Falls or violent strains are necessary to produce this luxation. Goubaux is quoted by Cadiot and Almy as having observed the head of the femur in an instance wherein luxation had long existed. Luxation of the femur is observed in old emaciated animals that are worked on slippery pavements.

Remembering the structures supplied by the radial nerve and its branches, one can readily understand that there should occur as Cadiot has stated: In complete paralysis, the joints of the affected limb with the exception of the shoulder are usually flexed when the horse is resting.

Benard, according to Cadiot and Almy, recommends bandaging with a heavy piece of cloth in which an opening is made through which the patella is allowed to protrude, and by turning such a bandage snugly about the stifle several times, the patella is held in position. This bandage should be kept in place for about ten days.

Showing shortening of bone, owing to a lateral approximation of the diaphysis because of muscular contraction. Photo by Dr. Symptomatology. According to Cadiot and Almy, "regardless of the location of femoral fractures, the subject is usually intensely lame, the animal frequently walking on three legs fractures of the diaphysis are characterized by an abnormal mobility." In this case Dr.

In cases of habitual luxation, unless the ligaments are so lax that the patella may be displaced laterally over the inner as well as the outer trochler rims, division of the inner straight patellar ligament will correct the condition. This desmotomy has been advocated by Bassi, and good results in appropriate cases have been reported by Cadiot, Merillat and Schumacher.

Compound fractures as well as multiple or comminuted fractures occasionally occur and these constitute injuries which are generally considered fatal, although Andrien, according to Cadiot and Almy, succeeded in obtaining complete recovery in a case of compound fracture of the patella and the horse was in service and almost free from lameness two months after treatment was begun.

In Europe this method of treating bog spavin has been employed by Leblanc, Abadie, Dupont and others according to Cadiot; but Bouley, Rey, Lafosse and Varrier used it with bad results. The dilution of iodin with an equal amount of alcohol has been practised by the author in many cases, but later this was found unnecessary. Other methods of treatment have been used with success.

Primary union of the small surgical wound of the skin and fascia occurs in forty-eight hours. The reader is referred to William's "Veterinary Surgical and Obstetrical Operations," for a complete description of this operation. This affection is briefly described by Cadiot but no complete treatise on this condition has been published.

Two forms of true patellar luxation in the horse may be considered; one which is due to the patella becoming fixed upon the internal trochlear rim of the femur and the other when the patella slips over the outer rim of the trochlea. According to Cadiot and Almy, it is only by the rupture of this ligament the femeropatellar that upward luxation may occur.

Cadiot and Almy recommend vaginal douches of cold water and counterirritation of the region of the inner thigh in these cases. Paralysis of the Sciatic Nerve. Anatomy. Near the stifle it passes between the two heads of the gastrocnemius muscle and continues as the tibial. Etiology and Occurrence.