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The messenger came back; he was looking ghastly pale: he whispered some information into my ear, which instantly caused me to hasten to the apartments where I had caused Bobbachy Bahawder to be confined.

I seized her hand and, gripping it close, whispered in her ear, to which I put the other pistol: "O Khanum, listen and scream not; the moment you scream, you die!" She was completely beaten: she turned as pale as a woman could in her situation, and said, "Speak, Bobbachy Bahawder, I am dumb."

"It was, then, the famous Bobbachy Bahawder, whom I overcame just now! and he is the man destined to stand in my slippers, is he?" and I was at that very moment standing in his own! Such are the chances and changes that fall to the lot of the soldier!

Among the latter I thought I distinguished ONE who O gods! the thought turned me sick I trembled and looked pale for the first time. "He trembles! he turns pale," shouted out Bobbachy Bahawder, ferociously exulting over his conquered enemy. Completely chop-fallen, the Indian ruffian was silent: at any rate, I had done for HIM. We arrived at the place of execution.

The men had fled; Bobbachy had fled; and in his place, fancy my astonishment when I found with a rope cutting his naturally wide mouth almost into his ears with a dreadful sabre-cut across his forehead with his legs tied over his head, and his arms tied between his legs my unhappy, my attached friend Mortimer Macgillicuddy!

The lieutenant was instructed to look to them and to their prisoner, and as Bobbachy was severely injured by the blow which I had given him, and was, moreover, bound hand and foot, and gagged smartly with cords, I considered myself sure of his person.

I suppose everybody everybody who has been in India, at least has heard the name of Bobbachy Bahawder: it is derived from the two Hindustanee words bobbachy, general; bahawder, artilleryman.

He had entered into Holkar's service in the latter capacity, and had, by his merit and his undaunted bravery in action, attained the dignity of the peacock's feather, which is only granted to noblemen of the first class; he was married, moreover, to one of Holkar's innumerable daughters: a match which, according to the Chronique Scandaleuse, brought more of honor than of pleasure to the poor Bobbachy.

Listen, madam: you know this dress and these arms; they are the arms of your husband, Bobbachy Bahawder MY PRISONER. He now lies in yonder fort, and if I do not return before daylight, at sunrise he dies: and then, when they send his corpse back to Holkar, what will you, his WIDOW, do? "Oh!" said she, shuddering, "spare me, spare me!" "I'll tell you what you will do.

Bobbachy Bahawder rode behind me, restored to his rank and state; troops of cavalry hemmed us in on all sides; my ass was conducted by the common executioner: a crier went forward, shouting out, "Make way for the destroyer of the faithful he goes to bear the punishment of his crimes."