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It lowers blood-pressure by paralyzing the vaso-motor centers and by a direct depressant action upon the heart muscle. It diminishes the pulse rate by direct action upon the heart. It lowers the temperature by increasing the loss of heat. It is a powerful antiseptic; and, finally, Its paths of elimination are not known.

High blood-pressure is one of the most marked features of the state of detumescence. The heart beats are stronger and quicker, the surface arteries are more visible, the conjunctivæ become red. The precise degree of blood-pressure attained during coitus has been most accurately ascertained in the dog. In Bechterew's laboratory in St.

Where's my breakfast? Where are my newspapers? I must begin the day without the loss of another moment. Please give me my dressing-gown." "I very much wonder how your blood-pressure is," Eve complained. "And you, I suppose, are perfectly well?" "Oh, yes, I am. I'm absolutely cured. Dr. Veiga is really very marvellous. But I always told you he was." "Well," said Mr. Prohack.

The blood-pressure, which was in this subject habitually 65 millimeters, rose to 150 and even 160, indicating a very high pressure, which rarely occurs; at the same time Madame X looked very emotional and troubled. Some authorities are of opinion that irregularities in the accomplishment of the sexual act are specially liable to cause disturbances in the circulation.

The thin wall of the capillaries within each capsule separates the blood from the cavity of the tubule. The blood-pressure on the delicate capillary walls causes the exudation of the watery portions of the blood through the cell walls into the capsule. The epithelial cell membrane allows the water of the blood with certain salts in solution to pass, but rejects the albumen.

In the kidneys, as elsewhere, the vaso-motor nerves are distributed to the walls of the blood-vessels, and modify the quantity and the pressure of blood in these organs. Thus, some strong emotion, like fear or undue anxiety, increases the blood-pressure, drives more blood to the kidneys, and causes a larger flow of watery secretion.

It was a lady that give the lecture, and this boy said it was amazing what she told 'em about blood-pressure and things 'e didn't even know 'e 'ad. She showed 'em pictures, coloured pictures, of what 'appens inside the injudicious eater's stummick who doesn't chew his food, and it was like a battlefield!

In our experiment the blood-pressures of both dogs were recorded on a drum when adrenalin was injected into the common carotid. The adrenalin caused a rise in blood-pressure, an increase in the force of cardiac contraction, increase in respiration, and a characteristic adrenalin rise in the blood-pressure of both dogs.

On two occasions she suddenly threw herself headlong on the floor. Towards the end of the period, when the blood-pressure was taken, she smiled and then laughed out loud. She could be made to smile again later. The last period, before the more definite improvement, lasted about a month. But she did not stare, was no longer resistive, no longer held saliva.

It may be due to the increase in the blood-pressure that accompanies reaction displacing clots which have formed in the vessels, or causing vessels to bleed which did not bleed during the operation; to the slipping of a ligature; or to the giving way of a grossly damaged portion of the vessel wall.