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So saying, he sent for the Count, and assuming a careless, almost jocular air, thus addressed him: "You were formerly page to the Empress Eleanor, I believe, M. le Bleink-Elmeink?" "Yes, Sire." "She is dead, but the Emperor would easily recognise you, would he not?" "I imagine so, Sire."

That given to the Queen was like an alcove, decorated by six large marble caryatides, joined by a handsome balustrade high enough to lean upon. The four-post bed was of azure blue velvet, with flowered work and rich gold and silver tasselling. Over the chimneypiece was the huge Bleink-Elmeink coat-of-arms, supported by two tall Templars.

In a few minutes Madame de Bleink-Elmeink, supported by two guards, entered the Queen's presence, and was about to fling herself at her feet; but the King prevented this. He himself placed her in an armchair, and we others at once formed a large semicircle round her. She seemed to breathe with difficulty, sighing and sobbing without being able to utter a word.

From various sources I receive the assurance that he is preparing to deal a heavy blow anent this; but the King's character is impenetrable. Time alone will show. The Castle of Bleink-Elmeink. Romantic and Extraordinary Discovery. An Innocent and Persecuted Wife. Madame de Bleink-Elmeink at Chaillot.

My august liberator shall become my lawful King, and under his rule I desire to live and die." In spite of her sorrow, Madame de Bleink-Elmeink did not appear to be more than twenty-eight or thirty years old. Her large blue eyes, though she had wept, much, were still splendid, and her high-bred features denoted nobility and beauty of soul.

The great prince has come hither and has stayed here for a brief while, and we have sought to welcome him as well as we could. He gave the Comte de Bleink-Elmeink, lord of this place and my master, his portrait set in diamonds; he had far better have cut his throat." "Good heavens, woman! What is this you tell me?" I exclaimed. "Of what crime is your master guilty?

From various sources I receive the assurance that he is preparing to deal a heavy blow anent this; but the King's character is impenetrable. Time alone will show. The Castle of Bleink-Elmeink. Romantic and Extraordinary Discovery. An Innocent and Persecuted Wife. Madame de Bleink-Elmeink at Chaillot.

The great prince has come hither and has stayed here for a brief while, and we have sought to welcome him as well as we could. He gave the Comte de Bleink-Elmeink, lord of this place and my master, his portrait set in diamonds; he had far better have cut his throat." "Good heavens, woman! What is this you tell me?" I exclaimed. "Of what crime is your master guilty?

In a few minutes Madame de Bleink-Elmeink, supported by two guards, entered the Queen's presence, and was about to fling herself at her feet; but the King prevented this. He himself placed her in an armchair, and we others at once formed a large semicircle round her. She seemed to breathe with difficulty, sighing and sobbing without being able to utter a word.

In that dungeon lies the good Comtesse de Bleink-Elmeink; she has languished there for five years." Then this woman informed me that her master, formerly page of honour to the Empress Eleanor, had wedded, on account of her great wealth, a young Hungarian noblewoman, by whom he had two children, both of whom were living.