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Updated: August 25, 2024

"The working-classes shall be responsible to the leisure class for the support of its dignity in peace, and shall be subject to its command in war. The rich shall warrant the poor against planless production and the ruin that now follows, against danger from without and famine from within, and the poor " "No, no, no!" shouted Lindau. "The State shall do that the whole beople.

See, these are quite decent still!" And I stretched out to him my foot. He looked at it. "Yes," he said, "beople do nod wand good hoods, id seems." To get away from his reproachful eyes and voice I hastily remarked: "What have you done to your shop?" He answered quietly: "Id was too exbensif. Do you wand some boods?" I ordered three pairs, though I had only wanted two, and quickly left.

I thought I was nodt like these beople down here, when I gome down once to look aroundt; I thought I must be somethings else, and zo I zaid I better take myself in time, and I gome here among my brothers the becears and the thiefs!" A noise made itself heard in the next room, as if the door were furtively opened, and a faint sound of tiptoeing and of hands clawing on a table. "Thiefs!"

Now, we think, here, that a lease is a bad thing; and the less you have of a bad thing, the better." "Vell, dat ist queer; so queer ast I don't know! Vhat vill dey do as might help it?" "Oh! the Legislature will set it all right. They mean to pass a law to prevent any more leases at all." "Und vill de beople stand dat?

I thought I was nodt like these beople down here, when I gome down once to look aroundt; I thought I must be somethings else, and zo I zaid I better take myself in time, and I gome here among my brothers the becears and the thiefs!" A noise made itself heard in the next room, as if the door were furtively opened, and a faint sound of tiptoeing and of hands clawing on a table. "Thiefs!"

The men who voark shall have and shall eat; and the men that will not voark, they shall sdarfe. But no man need sdarfe. He will go to the State, and the State will see that he haf voark, and that he haf foodt. All the roadts and mills and mines and landts shall be the beople's and be ron by the beople for the beople.

We must work the harder to let the thoughtful people of the city know what we are trying to do." "Thoughtful people!" Again his scorn ran beyond his words for a moment and his tongue grew German. "Doughtful beople. Dey dondt bay dwo tollors fer seats! Our pusiness iss to attract the rich the gay theatre-goers. Who is going to pring a theatre-barty to see a sermon on the stage hay?"

I vill dake care dot you und your beople shall not be hurt, because I do loaf you ferry mooch. Der master of der Mary Ann vill dell you I vas ferry goot to him for your sake. I did but take his gargo, and did give him und his grew liberdy to go to Sydney und dake this letter to you, mein vrau, in der dime to gom, as I did dell him. I remain your loafing Richard Portveldt."

The men who voark shall have and shall eat; and the men that will not voark, they shall sdarfe. But no man need sdarfe. He will go to the State, and the State will see that he haf voark, and that he haf foodt. All the roadts and mills and mines and landts shall be the beople's and be ron by the beople for the beople.

See, these are quite decent still!" And I stretched out to him my foot. He looked at it. "Yes," he said, "beople do nod wand good hoods, id seems." To get away from his reproachful eyes and voice I hastily remarked: "What have you done to your shop?" He answered quietly: "Id was too exbensif. Do you wand some boods?" I ordered three pairs, though I had only wanted two, and quickly left.

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