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The trial, as Sir Walter says, in his dedication to the Bannatyne Club, 'involves a curious point of evidence, a piece of 'spectral evidence' as Cotton Mather calls it. A ghost is a dead man, and yet he is deprived, according to the learned judge's ruling, of his privilege. Scott does not cite the similar legend in Hibernian Tales, the chap book quoted by Thackeray in his Irish Sketch-book.

For Raeburn could plunge at once through all the constraint and embarrassment of the sitter, and present the face, clear, open, and intelligent as at the most disengaged moments. This is best seen in portraits where the sitter is represented in some appropriate action: Neil Gow with his fiddle, Doctor Spens shooting an arrow, or Lord Bannatyne hearing a cause.

Her poems show a considerable lyric gift. Historian and antiquary, was called to the Scottish Bar in 1822, and was appointed Prof. of Constitutional Law and History in the Univ. of Edin. in 1846. He was the author of Scotland in the Middle Ages , and Sketches of Early Scottish History . He also ed. many historical MSS. for the Bannatyne and other antiquarian clubs.

But use the funds arising from this unexpected source with prudence, for such fountains do not spring up at every place of the desert. I am, in haste, ever yours most truly, Walter Scott" Life, vol. ix. p. 205. Memorials of George Bannatyne, 1545-1608, with Memoir by Sir Walter Scott.

But his industry is unimpeachable; and, through the kindness of the late Duke of Buccleuch, he was able to publish no less than thirty-seven letters written in Claverhouse's own hand to the first Duke of Queensberry, not one of which had been included in the collection printed for the Bannatyne Club in 1826, nor was, in fact, known to be in existence by anyone outside the family of Buccleuch.

By the bye, I am admitted a member of the Maitland Club, a Society on the principle of the Roxburghe and Bannatyne. What a tail of the alphabet I should draw after me were I to sign with the indications of the different societies I belong to, beginning with President of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, and ended with umpire of the Six-foot-high Club! Dined at home, and in quiet, with the girls.

Dined at William M'Kenzie's to meet the Marquis and Marchioness of Stafford, who are on their road to Dunrobin. Found them both very well. June 19. Lord Stafford desires to be a member of the Bannatyne Club also Colin M'Kenzie. Sent both names up accordingly. The day furnishes a beggarly record of trumpery.

There is a rival Exhibition which does not hurt the earlier foundation, but rather excites emulation. I am told there are good paintings there. I came home with little good-will to work, but I will compel myself to do something. Unluckily, I have again to go out to dinner to-day, being President of the Bannatyne. The dinner was a pleasant one; about thirty members attended.

Wrought upon an introduction to the notices which have been recovered of George Bannatyne, author, or rather transcriber, of the famous Repository of Scottish Poetry, generally known by the Bannatyne MS. They are very jejune these same notices a mere record of matters of business, putting forth and calling in of sums of money, and such like.

Once more the cup of hope was dashed from Edward's lips, and he found himself forced to enter into another weary conflict, this time with his English liegemen. It is printed by the Bannatyne Club, and summarised in Cal. Doc. Scot., ii., 193-214. So long as Peckham had lived, there had always been a danger of a conflict between Church and State.