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Arthuret's lamentation to the Vicar that dear Arthurine did so miss intellectual society, such as she had been used to with the High School mistresses two of whom had actually been at Girton! 'Does she not get on with Bessie Merrifield? he asked. 'Miss Bessie has a very sweet face; Arthurine did say she seemed well informed and more intelligent than her sister.

There was a vague idea that a sort of convalescent or children's hospital might be established for the training of women intending to study medicine or nursing, chiefly at Miss Arthuret's expense, and Dolores was anxious to consider the possibility of placing it in the sweet mountain air, tempered by the sea breezes of Penbeacon. It was an idea to make Mrs.

His young landlady, who had been a High School girl for a short time, thought Miss Arthuret's speech the most beautiful discourse that ever was spoken; while other reports said that Lady Flight and Miss Mohun were very much shocked, and thought it unwholesome, not to say dangerous; and he wanted to know the meaning of it.

'Stay, sir, said Fairford; 'and know that I became acquainted with the contents of the paper without my consent I may even say, against my will; for Mr. Buonaventure' 'Who? demanded Redgauntlet, in a wild and alarmed manner 'WHOM was it you named? 'Father Buonaventure, said Alan, 'a Catholic priest, as I apprehend, whom I saw at the Misses Arthuret's house, called Fairladies.

Is your daughter's article signed A. A., and doesn't it describe a boarding-house on the Italian lakes? I thought it very clever and amusing. Mrs. Arthuret's face lighted up. 'Oh yes, my dear, slipped out in her delight. 'And do you know, it all came of her letter to one of the High School ladies, who is sister to the sub-editor, such a clever, superior girl!

'Do any of you know Miss Arthuret's writing? he said. 'Bessie knows it best, said Susan. He showed a letter. 'That is hers the signature, said Bessie. 'I are not sure about the rest. Why what does it mean? For she read 'The Gap, 2D OCT. 'MRS. RUDDEN, You are requested to pay over to the bearer, Mr. Foxholm, fifty pounds of the rent you were about to bring me to- morrow. I remain, etc.,

"It gave one a sense of new life," said Agatha; and she related again Miss Arthuret's speech, broken only by appreciative questions and comments from Dolores' auditor, to whom, in the true fashion of nineteen, Agatha straightway lost her heart.

Agatha thought the newcomer's great pensive dark eyes and overhanging brow under very black hair made her look older than Mysie, or indeed than Gillian herself; and when the message had been disposed of, the latter continued, "Dolores wanted to know about Miss Arthuret's lecture, being rather in that line herself.