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Updated: August 1, 2024

And the reason is that man, homo, anthropos, as we know him, is necessarily either a male, vir, anêr, or a female, mulier, gynê. And to these may be added the child, who is neuter. And hence in order to satisfy imaginatively this necessity of feeling God as a perfect man that is, as a family arose the cult of the God-Mother, the Virgin Mary, and the cult of the Child Jesus.

Father Julius Jetté, "On the Superstitions of the Ten'a Indians," Anthropos, vi. pp. 703 sq., who tells us that Tinneh women at these times may not lift their own nets, may not step over other people's nets, and may not pass in a boat or canoe near a place where nets are being set. A.G. Morice, in Transactions of the Canadian Institute, iv. See above, p. 53.

His language has died with him, and he can render no account of himself. We can only regard him specifically as Homo Anthropos, a creature of bigger brain than his congener Homo Pithekos, and of vastly greater promise. But this, we say, is physical science, and not history.

I have to thank my friend Professor A.A. Bevan for pointing out to me this passage. Many ancient cities had talismans on the preservation of which their safety was believed to depend. The Palladium of Troy is the most familiar instance. See Chr. L'abbé Béchara Chémali, "Naissance et premier âge au Liban," Anthropos, v. p. 735.

It is to be regretted that this resounding trumpet blast of a few naturalists renders any peaceful interchange of ideas impossible from the beginning. I have expressed my admiration for Darwin more freely and earlier than many of his present eulogists. But I maintain, that when anthropogeny is discussed, it is desirable first of all to explain what is understood by anthropos.

And the fact that God was felt as a father acted as a continual incentive to conceive Him not merely anthropomorphically that is to say, as a man, anthropos but andromorphically, as a male, anêr. In the popular Christian imagination, in effect, God the Father is conceived of as a male.

Thus, even anatomically, man differs from the anthropoid apes. His whole structure is moulded to and by the higher mental powers, so that he is the "Anthropos" of the old Greek philosophers, the being who "turns his face upward." Yet in all these anatomical respects some of the apes differ less from him than from the lower apes or "half apes."

The old Greeks had an anticipation of that idea when they called man anthropos; for the meaning of the word is the upward-looker.

And this leads us to the consideration of man, not merely as a mammal, but as "Anthropos," Homo sapiens, although he often degenerates into "Simia destructor." From what has just been said man's pre-eminence cannot consist in any anatomical characteristic, even of the brain much less of thumb, forefinger, hand, or foot.

Oh, there's nothing in the world like pills, and there's nothing like my Elixir Anthropos for coughs, colds, and the rheumatics, for sore throats, sore eyes, sore backs good for the croup, measles, and chicken-pox a certain cure for dropsy, scurvy, and the king's evil; there's no disease or ailment, discovered or invented, as my pills won't soothe, heal, ha-meliorate, and charm away, and all I charge is one shilling a box.

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