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Updated: August 12, 2024

Goe, ceize his body, But hurt him not. You must along with us, Sir: We have an easie nag will swym away with ye, You ghesse the cause, I am sure. When you are ith' saddle once, Let your Boores loose; we'll show 'em such a baste. Do not deiect yourself nor rayle at fortune; They are no helpes: thincke what you have to answeare. Mod.

Bred. We will confirme it with our generall Seale, And send our answeare to his Propositions With our respect and duties. Mor. This we shall Make knowne unto him. Or. Roome there for their Lordships. Embs. Bred. What thinck you now, my Lords? Vand. In my opinion 'Tis time he had his Sentence! Wm. Is it drawne? Vand. Yes, here it is.

You have bin a traviler: had I best do it in the Italian garbe or with a Spanish gravity? your French mode is grown so common every vintners boy has it as perfect as his anon, anon, sir. Hum, I must consider on it. Crac. Nay, but uncle, uncle, shall we have answeare concerning this mony, uncle? You must disburse; that is the souldiers phrase. You see this man; regard him. Suc. Death of vallor!

Vand. May it please your Highnes in the names of all To make their Lordships answeare. Or. Willingly; For I must still be glad to take occasion To speak how much your Lordships and myself Ever stand bound to that most Christian King Whose favours, with all thancks, we must acknowledge As with all care preserve.

Enter Wife, Daughter, Servant with Peares. Wife. Denyde to see my Husband! ô you Tirants! Serv. The strict guard's kept upon him; His State ceizd on; my Lord your Son disgracd, too, And all your frends suspected, may assure you No price beneath his head must answeare for him. Daughter. But is he not alredy dead? Wife. I, I, There lyes my feare. Serv.

The like is of daunses which wee may put in the first & second row or order. But for as much as all the former argumentes are founded and grounded upon that definition of daunses, which I haue before geuen and made, and that some men might deny it me, we must answeare that which they haue bene accustomed to obiect against it.

Is it fitt That mercenary Soldiers, that for pay Give up their liberties and are sworne t'expose Their lyves and fortunes to all dangers, should Capitulate with their Lords? 1 Burg. Prescribing when They are pleasd to be commaunded and for what. Giles. Answeare to this. Leuit. You know our resolutions, And therefore, Captaine, speak for all. 1 Cap.

Let us leave them therefore To the scourge of their owne consciences: perhaps Th'assurance that they are yet undiscoverd, Because not cyted to their answeare, will So work with them hereafter to doe well That we shall ioy we sought no farther in it. Vand.

But the answeare which he made his wife Michol, very well declareth, that hee pretended or purposed no other thinge but to set out by outward gestures, the greatnes of the ioy which he had conceaued in his harte, because of the presence of God.

Now to begett an active Complement that, like a matins sung By virgins, may enchant her amorous ear. The Spanish Basolas manos sounds, methinks, As harsh as a Morisco kettledrum; The French boniour is ordinary as their Disease: hees not a gent that cannot parlee. I must invent some new and polite phrases. Crac. Shall I have answeare yet, sir. Sir Geff. Pish, you disturbe me.

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