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The countrey Boores and Pagans in the villages, seeing the Christians comming, ranne out with such a maine cry and shout, that it came to the Soldans hearing, who was neerer then our men did thinke.

Horsemen, and't please ye, Sir, Scowt round about us, and which way still the doggs went They made up within view. Mod. Look't they like Soldiers? 2 Hunt. For certaine they are Soldiers; for if theis are eyes I saw their pistolls. Mod. Many? 2 Hunt. Some half a score, Sir. Mod. I am betraide: away and raise the Boores up, Bid 'em deale manfully. 1 Hunt.

How are we cozend! pox of our goodly providence! If he get home or if the Cuntry know it! Sold. Make haste, he is yet unmand: we may come time enough To enter with him. Besides there's this advantage: They that are left behind, instead of helping A Boores Cart ore the Bridge, loden with hay, Have crackt the ax-tree with a trick, and there it stands And choakes the Bridge from drawing. Cap.

Goe, ceize his body, But hurt him not. You must along with us, Sir: We have an easie nag will swym away with ye, You ghesse the cause, I am sure. When you are ith' saddle once, Let your Boores loose; we'll show 'em such a baste. Do not deiect yourself nor rayle at fortune; They are no helpes: thincke what you have to answeare. Mod.

There's some hope yet. Away and clap on spurs: he shall scape hardly If none of us salute him. Mounte, mounte. Enter Modesbargen & Huntesmen. Mod. Hell take this hay! 'tis set on purpose here: Fire it and draw the Bridge: clap faggotts on't And fire the Cart and all. No Boores come in yet? Where be your Musketts, Slaves? Hunt. We have no powder, Sir. Mod.