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In this Thwackum had the advantage; for while Square could only scarify the poor lad's reputation, he could flea his skin; and, indeed, he considered every lash he gave him as a compliment paid to his mistress; so that he could, with the utmost propriety, repeat this old flogging line, "Castigo te non quod odio habeam, sed quod AMEM. I chastise thee not out of hatred, but out of love."

Romae Tibur amem ventosus, Tibure Romam. Carlyle in the moor was always sighing for the town, and in the town for the moor. During the first twenty years of his London life, in what he called "the Devil's oven," he is constantly clamouring to return to the den.

I remember when I was with the army, after the battle of Lafeldt, the officers seriously grumbled that no general was killed. CAMBRIDGE. 'We may believe Horace more when he says, "Romae Tibur amem, ventosus Tibure Romam ;" than when he boasts of his consistency: "Me constare mihi scis, et decedere tristem, Quandocunque trahunt invisa negotia Romam ."

I shall discover your least, as well as your greatest defects, and I shall very freely tell you of them, 'Non quod odio habeam sed quod amem'. But I shall tell them you 'tete-a-tete', and as MICIO not as DEMEA; and I will tell them to nobody else.

Swithun and his brotherhood That here would meet and punctual on his day Their heads and hands and hearts together lay. Nor may no years the mem'ries three untwine Of Grylls W.G. And Arundell G.A. And Constantine J.C. Anno 1752 Flvmina amem silvasqve inglorivs." Of these two friends of my father I shall speak in their proper place, but have given up this first chapter to him alone.

Is there one among them, who is conspicuous above them all for a lofty spirit and strength of intellect?" The young Rameri looked gaily at the speaker, and said laughing: "We are all much alike, and do more or less willingly what we are compelled, and by preference every thing that we ought not." "A mighty soul a youth, who promises to be a second Snefru, a Thotmes, or even an Amem?

I shall discover your least, as well as your greatest defects, and I shall very freely tell you of them, 'Non quod odio habeam sed quod amem'. But I shall tell them you 'tete-a-tete', and as MICIO not as DEMEA; and I will tell them to nobody else.

Is there one among them, who is conspicuous above them all for a lofty spirit and strength of intellect?" The young Rameri looked gaily at the speaker, and said laughing: "We are all much alike, and do more or less willingly what we are compelled, and by preference every thing that we ought not." "A mighty soul a youth, who promises to be a second Snefru, a Thotmes, or even an Amem?

Is there one among them, who is conspicuous above them all for a lofty spirit and strength of intellect?" The young Rameri looked gaily at the speaker, and said laughing: "We are all much alike, and do more or less willingly what we are compelled, and by preference every thing that we ought not." "A mighty soul a youth, who promises to be a second Snefru, a Thotmes, or even an Amem?

Moore and others insist that Byron's heart was at home when his presence was abroad, and that, with all her faults, he loved his country still. Leigh Hunt, on the contrary, asserts that he cared nothing for England or its affairs. Like many men of genius, Byron was never satisfied with what he had at the time. "Romae Tibur amem ventosus Tibure Romam."