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Updated: August 8, 2024

The Secretary of War, General Alger, has made all arrangements for giving the fund to the suffering people. Six officers are now in the flooded districts, finding out what the wants of the people are, and another detail of officers is to follow them, distributing food and relief according to instructions.

Again Barney seemed to see before his eyes that image of himself as Richard Alger, and he could no more change it than he could change his own image in the looking-glass.

By virtue of his rank Colonel Alger was in command of the line and, in response to his clear-voiced order, "Steady men, forward," the three regiments, with a shout, swept on through the woods, driving everything before them. At the same time, the mounted men of the First and Seventh charged the force in their front.

He made the Algerines vow to renounce piracy; and, to see that they kept their word, he built and garrisoned a strong fort, the "Peñon de Alger," to stop their boats from sallying forth.

Summoned by Major-General Shafter, a meeting was held here this morning at head-quarters, and in the presence of every commanding and medical officer of the Fifth Army Corps, General Shafter read a cable message from Secretary Alger, ordering him, on the recommendation of Surgeon-General Sternberg, to move the army into the interior, to San Luis, where it is healthier.

I also informed Alger that I should take the reserve and join the main line in front of Booneville for the purpose of making an advance of my whole force, and that as a signal he must have his men cheer loudly when he struck the enemy's rear, in order that my attack might be simultaneous with his.

Of course no one ever really made a speech like that to himself, even in the Horatio Alger books. But if the great ambition and determination running through the whole fibre of his being could have been crystallized into spoken words they would have sounded like that. By the time he was forty-five he had discovered more stars than Copernicus. They were not all first-magnitude twinklers.

"City quiet. Business resumed. Natives respectful and cheerful. "The fighting qualities of American troops a revelation to all inhabitants. Signed, Otis." Secretary Alger sent the following cablegram to General Otis, at Manila: "Accept my best congratulations upon your magnificent victory of Sunday, all the more creditable because you were not the aggressor." "Manila, February 10.

Alger's troopers soon rejoined me at Booneville, minus many hats, having returned by their original route. They had sustained little loss except a few men wounded and a few temporarily missing. Among these was Alger himself, who was dragged from his saddle by the limb of a tree that, in the excitement of the charge, he was unable to flank.

It was not his fault that conditions in the War Department were as they existed in 1897, when he assumed office. We must remember that the country had enjoyed a continuous period of peace from 1865 to 1898. We were unprepared for war, and in the scramble and haste the Department of War was not administered satisfactorily, the whole blame being laid upon General Alger.

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