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His device, "Repos ailleurs," finely typified the restless, agitated and laborious life to which he was destined. That other distinguished leader of the newly-formed league, Count Louis, was a true knight of the olden time, the very mirror of chivalry.

Helene! n'hesitez pas, ne cherchez pas un autre endroit; c'est le seul convenable. Je vous le dis, j'ai reflechi pour vous; c'est la qu'il doit etre et non pas ailleurs. Quant a Napoleon, homme, soldat, je n'ai rien contre lui; c'est un lion royal, aupres de qui vous n'etes que des chacals.

A grand and noble figure always: most pathetic when thus redeeming by vigorous but solitary and melancholy hard labor, the political error which had condemned him to retirement. To work, ever to work, was the primary law of his nature. Repose in the other world, "Repos ailleurs" was the device which he assumed in earliest youth, and to which he was faithful all his days.

A grand and noble figure always: most pathetic when thus redeeming by vigorous but solitary and melancholy hard labor, the political error which had condemned him to retirement. To work, ever to work, was the primary law of his nature. Repose in the other world, "Repos ailleurs" was the device which he assumed in earliest youth, and to which he was faithful all his days.

His device, "Repos ailleurs," finely typified the restless, agitated and laborious life to which he was destined. That other distinguished leader of the newly-formed league, Count Louis, was a true knight of the olden time, the very mirror of chivalry.

Il se tire d'une roche et se taille en forme de pierre, par morceaux d'un pied de long environ, carrés, mais un peu convexes en dessus. Qui les verroit dans un chariot les prendroit pour des pierres. On le broie dans un mortier, et il en sort passablement blanc, mais plus fin et meilleur que tous ceux que j'ai goûtés ailleurs.

A grand and noble figure always: most pathetic when thus redeeming by vigorous but solitary and melancholy hard labor, the political error which had condemned him to retirement. To work, ever to work, was the primary law of his nature. Repose in the other world, "Repos ailleurs" was the device which he assumed in earliest youth, and to which he was faithful all his days.

Do you know his motto?" She nodded and answered softly: "Repos ailleurs." "Where else can we rest," he repeated firmly. A slight shiver ran through her limbs, and as she withdrew her hands, she could not help thinking: "Where else;-so not here. Rest and happiness have no home here." She did not utter the words, but could not drive them from her mind.

At the age of sixty he went at last to the repose which he had denied to himself on earth. "Repos ailleurs." From the Death of William the Silent to the Twelve Year's Truce 1609 By John Lothrop Motley

Do you know his motto?" She nodded and answered softly: "Repos ailleurs." "Where else can we rest," he repeated firmly. A slight shiver ran through her limbs, and as she withdrew her hands, she could not help thinking: "Where else;-so not here. Rest and happiness have no home here." She did not utter the words, but could not drive them from her mind.