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How he wandered about the old town in the dusk, and up to the Hogsback to see the little lamps below and the little stars above come out one after another; how he returned through the yellow-lit streets to the Yellow Hammer Coffee Tavern and supped bravely in the commercial room a Man among Men; how he joined in the talk about flying-machines and the possibilities of electricity, witnessing that flying-machines were "dead certain to come," and that electricity was "wonderful, wonderful"; how he went and watched the billiard playing and said, "Left 'em" several times with an oracular air; how he fell a-yawning; and how he got out his cycling map and studied it intently, are things that find no mention here.

Pickwick a-yawning several times, who, when he had arrived at the end of this little manuscript which certainly could not have been compressed into "a couple of sheets of writing-paper," but would have covered at least ten pages replaced it in the drawer, and "then, with a countenance of the utmost weariness, lighted his chamber candle and went upstairs to bed."

I mean, answered Ponocrates, to sleep fasting in the sun at noonday, as the dogs do. Rhizotome, who lay stooping on the pump, raised his drowsy head, and lazily yawning, by natural sympathy set almost everyone in the ship a-yawning too; then he asked for a remedy against oscitations and gapings.

White; "nay sir, I read no books, but I used to sit whole forenoons a-yawning and poking the fire." Boswelliana, p. 221. The French were more successful than Mr. They have taken up gravity, thinking it was philosophy and English, and so have acquired nothing in the room of their natural levity and cheerfulness. See ante, ii. 8. See ante, i. 332. See ante, i. 468, and Boswell's Hebrides, Oct. 4.

In his little cyclist hand-book there is a diary, and in the diary there is an entry of these things it is there to this day, and I cannot do better than reproduce it here to witness that this book is indeed a true one, and no lying fable written to while away an hour. At last he fell a-yawning so much that very reluctantly indeed he set about finishing this great and splendid day.