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'Naw daywt, says Dick, 'if it ain't somefin' worse. 'What do'st a' mean, bor? says I. 'Well, says Dick slowly like, 'it might be the sperrit from th' pit, for 'twas in no mortal man to holler out like that cry we just heered. Wornt those yower words, bor?" Mr. Duney, thus appealed to, nodded portentously, as though to indicate that his words were well justified.

He met a suggestion that his superiors might disapprove of his doing so, by pointing out that they would all keep "yower side o' th' gayut" until the Bull whose name, strange to say, seemed to be Zephyr was safe in bounds, chained by his nose-ring to a sufficient wall-staple. Said old Mrs.

Wharton?" said Wilkins, as Wharton handed him a cup of coffee; "but of coorse you are part of yower duties, I suppose?" While Molloy and Casey were deep in animated discussion of the great meeting of the afternoon he had been sitting silent against the edge of the table a short-bearded sombre figure, ready at any moment to make a grievance, to suspect a slight.

'So we will, for sartin, says I. 'Let's put out th' light, so th' bloody-minded murderer won't ha' narthin' to go by if he ain't seen it yet. So we put out th' light and stayed theer till th' mornin', when we went out to work, and then when I seed Dick later we thowt we'd come and tell you all about it, seein' as yower a gentleman, and in consiquence a man of larnin', and might p'rhaps tell us what we'd better do."

The faces of the men showed that the epithet rankled, as Colwyn intended that it should. There was a brief pause, and then another fisherman stepped forward and said: "I'm a Norfolk man, and nobbut agoin' to say I'm afeered. I'll go wi' yow, ma'aster." "If yower game, Tom, I'll go too," said another.

Glenthorpe, thissun 'ud tell us how to get it without sharin' wi' Queensmead, who does narthin' but take th' bread owt o' ower mouths, he bein' so sharp about th' conies. For if this chap in th' woods is the one wot killed owd Mr. Glenthorpe, we have a right to th' money for cotchin' un. Didn't I say that, Billy?" "Yow did, bor, yow did; them wor yower vaery words," acquiesced Mr. Backlos.