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Perhaps it was that subtle flavor in the air that did it; or it may have been the boy and his dog as they whirled past care free as the drifting brown leaves; or perhaps it was the sight of the man repairing the roof of the house with his long ladder resting against the eaves: the woman herself could not have told what it was, but, whatever it was, she slipped away to one of the brightest, happiest, days in all her Yesterdays.

The ragged prodigal has not much to leave which need hold him, but many such a one says, 'I will arise and go to my father to-morrow, and lets all the to-morrows become yesterdays, and is sitting among the swine still. Low as the prodigal's motive for return was, the fact of his return was enough. So is it in regard to our attitude to the gospel.

And then, as one setting out on a long journey might turn back for a last farewell view of loved familiar scenes, she turned to go back for a little into her Yesterdays. There was a home in those Yesterdays and there was a mother a mother who lived now in a better home than any of earth's building.

"In my day," began Miss Caroline; but here I rebelled, no longer perceiving any good reason to be overborne by her daughter. I could endure only a certain amount of that. "Your day is to-day," I interrupted, "and to-morrow and many to-morrows. You are a woman bereft of all her yesterdays. Let your daughter have had her day let her have come to an incredible maturity.

"Do you think we could find all our yesterdays there, Diana all our old springs and blossoms? The beds of flowers that Paul saw there are the roses that have bloomed for us in the past?" "Don't!" said Diana. "You make me feel as if we were old women with everything in life behind us." "I think I've almost felt as if we were since I heard about poor Ruby," said Anne.

Even as they had, together, crossed the threshold of the old, old, door that has stood open since the beginning, they stood now, together, upon the threshold of another door that has never been closed. And it was so, that, as once they went back into the Yesterdays that became Their Yesterdays, so they still went back to the days that were past.

Even in Sycamore Ridge they did not suspect the truth until Barclay had grown so strong in his new faith that he could look at his yesterdays without shuddering. The year of our Lord nineteen hundred and six was a slow year politically in Sycamore Ridge, so in the parliament at McHurdie's shop discussion took somewhat wider range than was usual.

When Victor Hugo charges us to take all reasonable advantage of that which the present offers, he reveals the true character of opportunity. It lives only in the present tense, it knows no to-morrows, and makes a record of the yesterdays only when it has found lodgment in our lives.

When the flowers faded on the southern slopes, they were not more than half-way up the hill. Each day the sun swung lower across the canals, all the to-morrows were shorter than the yesterdays, and there was not a man among them with a shade of sentiment, or a sense of the beautiful, but sighed when the flowers died.

And it happened that the day in his Yesterdays to which the man went back was one of those days when the boy could find nothing to do. Every game that he had ever played was played out. Every source of amusement he had exhausted. There was in all his boyhood world nothing, nothing, for him to do.