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"It was a very beautiful poignard," continued Wolston, "and rather a bijou than a weapon; and, as the servants had neglected to hand him a fruit-knife, he made use of it in paring an apple." "Is it all over?" inquired Sophia, removing a hand from one ear. "Alas! yes!" said Jack, lugubriously, "he has been and done it." "O the monster!"

"No, Master Jack, it is not a doll story; and, besides, we girls were no bigger at the time than that." On saying this Sophia placed her two hands about a foot and a half from the floor and then the two girls vanished. "When Mary was about six years old," began Wolston, "a slight rash threatened to develope itself, and the doctor ordered a small blister to be applied to one of her arms.

"'We arrived at the Cape all right, added Bill, 'landed the New Switzerland cargo, and sailed again with the Rev. Mr. Wolston on board.

Wolston, to call their carriage, in spite of the fifty-two saucers of meat: it puts me in mind of the stork inviting the fox to dine with her out of a long-necked jar." "We are apt to judge the Chinese by the pictures seen of them on their own porcelain, and copied upon our pottery," said Becker; "but this conveys only a ludicrous idea of them.

"Then, Willis, according to you, there are no ships but the Nelson, no ships wrecked but the Nelson, and no planks but the Nelson's. Willis, you are a fool." "Every one has his own ideas, Mr. Wolston." Towards evening, when they were on their way back to Rockhouse, Sophia confidentially called Willis aside, and he cheerfully obeyed the summons.

What system do you pursue in educating him the Pestalozzian or the parochial?" "We follow the system in fashion aboard ship," replied Willis. "And what does that consist of?" "A rope's end." "Oh, then, you are an advocate for the birch, are you?" said Wolston; "it is, doubtless, a very good thing when moderately and judiciously administered.

A few days after leaving the Cape, we were pounced upon by a French frigate; the Nelson, with its crew, was sent off as a prize to Havre, and here I have been ever since, said Bill, 'a prisoner at large, allowed to pick up a living as I can amongst the shipping." "And the remainder of the crew?" inquired Fritz. "Are all here prisoners of war." "And the Rev. Mr. Wolston and the captain?"

"Do not be afraid, father; it will not be necessary to establish either a quarantine or a lazaretto on our account." "Besides, any of the boys," said Mrs. Becker, "that acquire the habit, will, by so doing, voluntarily banish themselves from my levees." "It is an extraordinary habit that, smoking," observed Mrs. Wolston.

"So he has. Has nobody told you of it?" "No, not a soul." "Then I will be as discreet as my neighbors; good night, Master Jack." Next day the sky was shrouded in dense masses of cloud, some grey as lead, some livid as copper, and some black as ink. Towards evening the two families, as usual, resolved themselves into a talking party, and Wolston, requesting them to listen, began as follows:

Wolston, "it is a pity, after all, that you did not achieve your second verse." "And yet," continued Jack, "that is only a copy. How much more sublime when we regard the painter as a creator!