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This was saying much, for the November of 1860 at Quincy stood apart from other memories as lurid beyond description. Although no one believed in civil war, the air reeked of it, and the Republicans organized their clubs and parades as Wide-Awakes in a form military in all things except weapons.

Some of these were what whalemen call 'shoal birds, 'wide-awakes, 'molly-hawks, 'whale birds' and 'mutton birds. Among them were some hundreds of frigate birds, the katafa of the Ellice Islanders, and a few magnificently plum-aged fishers, called kanapu by the natives of Equatorial Polynesia.

"During the months of September and October, when your Wide-Awakes on the one hand, and your conservative Democracy on the other, were parading the streets with banners and music, as they or their predecessors had done in so many previous contests, and believing that nothing worse could be involved than a possible party defeat and some bad feelings, we, who lived where revolutions were common, thought that we discovered the smouldering spark which would be blown to revolution here.

And they trudged homeward with the wild enthusiasm still ringing in their ears, heavy with the thought that the long, hot campaign of their own Wide-Awakes might be in vain. They had a grim reproof from Judge Whipple in the morning. "So you too, gentlemen, took opium last night," was all he said. The dreaded possibility of Mr. Lincoln's election did not interfere with the gayeties.

And they trudged homeward with the wild enthusiasm still ringing in their ears, heavy with the thought that the long, hot campaign of their own Wide-Awakes might be in vain. They had a grim reproof from Judge Whipple in the morning. "So you too, gentlemen, took opium last night," was all he said. The dreaded possibility of Mr. Lincoln's election did not interfere with the gayeties.

That's a goodish orse the Admewall wides; I wonder if he is going to take him ome with him." "Haven't heard can't say. Jones, what's that thing that wont burn, do you know? Confound the thing, I have got it on the tip of my tongue too." "Asphalt," sais Jones. "No! that's not it; that's what wide-awakes are made of." "Perhaps so," sais Gage, "ass'felt is very appropriate for a fool's cap."

In short, as yet it is difficult to connect the idea of romance with railway rugs, waterproofs, India-rubbers and wide-awakes and the steam of tea and coffee: three hundred years hence perhaps it may be possible. Who knows? But for all that, romances go on, we may be sure, whether people are clad in velvet or hodden gray.

After exhibiting no articles in his window for some weeks, but sea-side wide-awakes, shooting-caps, and a choice of rough waterproof head-gear for the moors and mountains, he has put upon the heads of his family as much of this stock as they could carry, and has taken them off to the Isle of Thanet. His young man alone remains and remains alone in the shop.

The campaign was characterized by three things: by an ominous quiet coupled with great intensity of feeling; by the organization of huge party societies in military form "Wide-awakes" for Lincoln, numbering 400,000, and "Minute Men" for Breckenridge, with a membership chiefly Southern; and by the perfect frankness, in all parts of the South, of threats of secession in case the Republicans won.

It admitted several variations, including wide-awakes, pliable felts, and that little, squat, lackadaisical, round-crown, narrow-brimmed thing worn by the Prince of Wales in the photographs taken of him and the Princess at Sandringham.