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Updated: August 29, 2024

She was verifying in the books all that she had learned by herself in the desert of the habits of trap-door spiders, and she was so absorbed in her task that she did not look up.

Instead, they create new problems of their own which cannot be settled, because there is no way of testing and verifying the various solutions. In short, the premises are at fault and must be outgrown and left behind. Our experience no longer suggests to us the idea of a supernatural agency at work, nor are we so prone to think of an act of creation some few thousands of years in the past.

"Yes, you are, if you know what's good for yourself," said Bill; "and there's some kind of a big prize for whichever comes out best man." "Then I'll go, if Miss Milly lets me; an' beat him, too, if it was just for the sake of beatin'," said Jim, verifying the prophecy of his young mistress. "But how do you know so much, an' what do you mean, Bill?"

English criticism of American work of this sort had prepared the reader to expect carelessness of method and inaccuracy in the accumulation of data, but Dr. Goddard is evidently on his guard against this. He goes very fully into the method of obtaining and verifying the data, and in doing so gives a very strong impression that the data are "reliable."

For instance, in one case a mother received the thought of her boy, who was away from home, telling of his sickness. A few days later she received a letter verifying her dream. A salesman dreams of a friend telling him of his company doing a big business in a neighboring town. Upon his friend's return his dream was found to be correct. She did not expect him until early in the fall of the year.

After he had finally escaped, a more regular search was made, and it was discovered that a communication with the torrent on a former higher level had let the water pass underneath the castle, and turn a water wheel which cut up the bodies and made them float away by the outlet. Human skulls and bones were found, singularly verifying the truth of tradition.

To Miriam she was content to say, "There's something! and I sha'n't get to the bottom of it till we're married." Of the opening thus unexpectedly offered her Miriam made full use, pointing out the folly or verifying suspicions after marriage rather than before. "Well, I'm going to do it, do you see?" was Evie's only reply. "I know it will be all right in the end."

Darwin has very forcibly urged, that nothing is commoner than if you examine a dun horse and I had an opportunity of verifying this illustration lately, while in the islands of the West Highlands, where there are a great many dun horses to find that horse exhibit a long black stripe down his back, very often stripes on his shoulder, and very often stripes on his legs.

Prepare yourself for the strangest revelation you ever heard." "Indeed!" "Ay. One which in hearing you may well doubt; and one which, I hope, you will never find an opportunity of verifying." "You speak in riddles." "And yet speak truly, Charles. You heard with what a frantic vehemence Flora desired you to think no more of her?" "I did I did." "She was right.

I will suggest or mention another subject bearing upon the problem of "how to enable the Secretary of the Treasury to accumulate balances." It is to devise some better method of verifying claims against the Government than at present exists through the Court of Claims, especially those claims growing out of the late war.

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