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On the promenade-deck Vanderlyn was acting as the leader of enthusiastic rooters for his native land. With his mother, whose interest in the old German and his daughter he now fostered very eagerly, he stood close by the rail across which he had vaulted when Moresco had assaulted the old man.

"You have not yet been shown our daily report concerning the stations of Paris is it not possible that Madame Pargeter may have met with some accident at the Gare St. Lazare, if, as I understand, she was going to her friend by train, and not by automobile?" Pargeter seemed struck by the notion. He turned to Vanderlyn.

She remembered, now, having seen Algie Bockheimer at one of his parents' first entertainments, in their newly-inaugurated marble halls in Fifth Avenue. She recalled his too faultless clothes and his small glossy furtive countenance. She looked at Ellie Vanderlyn with sudden scorn. "I think you're abominable," she exclaimed. The other's perfect little face collapsed. "A-bo-minable? A-bo-mi-nable?

Vanderlyn made a sudden nervous movement, but he checked the words which rose to his lips, for the Prefect was again speaking, and this time with a certain excitement of manner. "I am convinced that Mrs. Pargeter never intended to go to Madame de Léra, and that the proposed visit was a blind! The facts speak for themselves.

Peggy's own people, old-fashioned country gentry, were regarded by Pargeter as hopelessly dowdy and "out of it," so none of them had been invited. With Laurence Vanderlyn alone had the young mistress of the house had any link of mutual interests or sympathies; but of flirtation, as that protean word was understood by those about them, there had been none.

"Clarissa is exquisite; but her mother didn't mention her in offering me this recompense." Susy lifted her head again. "Whom did she mention?" "Vanderlyn," said Lansing. "Vanderlyn? Nelson?" "Yes and some letters... something about letters.... What is it, my dear, that you and I have been hired to hide from Vanderlyn?

She accepted his brief account of what had occurred at the Prefecture of Police without comment, and, refusing Pargeter's offer to drive her to her house in the Faubourg St. Germain, asked only to be set down at the nearest telegraph-station. Dreary hours followed hours later remembered with special horror and shrinking by Laurence Vanderlyn.

He'll never reconsider." "But he must! He must!" said Mrs. Vanderlyn, entirely capitulating. "There is nothing I won't do!" She turned, imploringly, to Kreutzer. "Listen. To-night I hold a reception. It shall be in your daughter's honor and I will, while it is going on, announce her engagement to my son."

She thought of Ursula Gillow, Ellie Vanderlyn, Violet Melrose, of their condescending kindnesses, their last year's dresses, their Christmas cheques, and all the careless bounties that were so easy to bestow and so hard to accept. "I should rather enjoy paying them back," something in her maliciously murmured.

Few visitors had ever knocked at his door since he had moved to that tenement. To Mrs. Vanderlyn's amazement, and his own, the door, when it had opened, revealed John Vanderlyn. He was very plainly worried. He did not even stop for greetings, but said, immediately, to his mother: "Well, mother, what are you doing here?" Mrs.