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Updated: August 18, 2024

The unfavourable state of the weather would not allow of our making any farther progress; and our pilot assured us that at this season the quantity of rain that falls, so much swells the river and strengthens the currents, as to make it impossible to contend with the continually increasing force of the stream.

I am engaged on Wednesday to dine at the Albion Tavern with the Directors of the East India Company; now my servants; next week, I hope, to be my masters. Ever yours To Hannah M. Macaulay. London: November 22, 1833. My dear Sister, The decision is postponed for a week; but there is no chance of an unfavourable result.

Breteuil, which I reached in time for a late breakfast, is a very paltry town; the houses are all built in the ancient style, and bear an unfavourable resemblance to English farm-houses; their gable-ends are turned to the streets, and the chimneys are nearly as large as the roofs. There was no appearance of business, not even of a brisk retail, or of a lively thoroughfare.

Noctuidae, coloration of. Nomadic habits, unfavourable to human progress. Nordmann, A., on Tetrao urogalloides. Norfolk Island, half-breeds on. Norway, numerical proportion of male and female births in. Nose, resemblance of, in man and the apes; piercing and ornamentation of the; very flat, not admired in negroes; flattening of the.

In the meantime, content yourself with the recollection that ridicule and damning criticism have been the lot at some time in their lives of the most famous actors and actresses, that the unfavourable verdict of to-day may be reversed to-morrow. It is no good resenting failure; turn it to account rather; try to understand it, and learn something from it.

But, whatever we may mean, assuredly we do not mean that one set is superior to the other. They differ widely; but they differ in the means by which they compass the same end. It is absurd to argue that civilization is either favourable or unfavourable to art; but it is reasonable to suppose that it may be the one or the other to a particular artist.

Her cruel mother-in-law, instead of tenderly nursing her, basely neglected her, debarred her from medical attendance, and imperilled her life. The loss of her beauty alienated her husband's affection such as it was from her, and he became still more open to unfavourable influences. Burdened as she was with these troubles, yet another was added.

He was quite prepared to be "edited" for acting purposes by the players. Miss Mary Anderson says that "he was ready to sacrifice even his MOST beautiful lines for the sake of a real dramatic effect." This proved unusual common-sense in a poet. Modern times and manners are notoriously unfavourable to the serious drama.

Proudhon starts out from the reverse side, which is sophistically covered up in political economy, that is, from the poverty created by the movement of private property, in order to reach his conclusions, which are unfavourable to private poverty.

James Mill, of whom most people have conceived a rather unfavourable idea since the appearance of his son's Autobiography, was an early disciple of Bentham, and to a certain extent resembled him in hard clearness and superficial consistency. His son John Stuart was born in London on 20th May 1806, and educated by his father in the unnatural fashion which he has himself recorded.

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