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Two of the troykas were the usual household sleighs, the third was the old count's with a trotter from the Orlov stud as shaft horse, the fourth was Nicholas' own with a short shaggy black shaft horse. Nicholas, in his old lady's dress over which he had belted his hussar overcoat, stood in the middle of the sleigh, reins in hand.

My side partner, Packwood, is now engaged in unraveling a cipher that was taken from her." "That's an impudent lie," asserted the Englishman, hotly. "No it isn't," laughed Mr. Trotter. "It's a Secret Service fact." "I'm going to go to Miss Peddensen, now, then," asserted Drummond.

Her momentary fancy of uniting two lovers somehow weakened at this suggestion, and there was a hardening of her face as she said, "Well, if YOU can't trust her, perhaps your brother may be right." "I don't say that, Miss Trotter," said Chris pleadingly, yet with a slight wincing at her words; "YOU could convince her, if you would only try.

At this the servants burst into a horse haw-haw, in which, however, Raggles, who still kept a most melancholy countenance, did not join. "He ain't a coming back," Mr. Trotter resumed. "He sent for his things, and I wouldn't let 'em go, although Mr. Raggles would; and I don't b'lieve he's no more a Colonel than I am. He's hoff, and I suppose you're a goin' after him.

Trotter, a sanctimonious widow, with three superhuman children, who never had so much as a spot on their pinafores, and were far in advance of the young Binkses in Kings and Chronicles; indeed the youngest Trotter had been familiar with all the works of Hezekiah before the eldest Binks had grasped the abstract idea of Saul. For Clarissa the change to Arden Court was a pleasant one.

If you've been immuring yourself, as you have on your own confession, for some two months, or more, an afternoon with good company is indispensable. So, consider this a holiday, and think no more of bags, boxes, cash-book, or ledger. I bought a splendid trotter yesterday, and am going to try his speed. You are a first-rate judge of horse-flesh, and I want your opinion.

For lying on the paper before him was nothing more than a litter of mortar and wall plaster, interspersed with stone chips. It was nothing more than the sweepings a brick-layer had left behind him, a pile of worthless rubbish, a bundle of refuse, another white elephant on his hands. Trotter stirred the heap of dust and lime, impassively, disdainfully.

'Oh, yes, he is here, and I grieve to say, Mr. Weller, he is going on worse than ever. 'Ah, ah! said Sam. 'Oh, shocking terrible! 'At a boarding-school? said Sam. 'No, not at a boarding-school, replied Job Trotter, with the same sly look which Sam had noticed before; 'not at a boarding-school. 'At the house with the green gate? said Sam, eyeing his companion closely.

'I'm a-comin', sir, replied Mr. Weller, mechanically following his master; and still he lifted not his eyes from Mr. Job Trotter, who walked at his side in silence. Job kept his eyes fixed on the ground for some time.

He gave him a half-guinea too, which the servant pocketed with a mixture of wonder and contempt. "To the health of your master and mistress, Trotter," Mr. Sedley said, "and here's something to drink your health when you get home, Trotter." There were but nine days past since Amelia had left that little cottage and home and yet how far off the time seemed since she had bidden it farewell.